Class: Erector::Widget

AbstractWidget show all
AfterInitialize, Convenience, Externals, HTML, JQuery, Needs, Sass
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A Widget is the center of the Erector universe.

To create a widget, extend Erector::Widget and implement the content method. Inside this method you may call any of the tag methods like span or p to emit HTML/XML tags.

You can also define a widget on the fly by passing a block to new. This block will get executed when the widget’s content method is called. See the userguide for important details about the scope of this block when run –

To render a widget from the outside, instantiate it and call its to_html method.

A widget’s new method optionally accepts an options hash. Entries in this hash are converted to instance variables.

You can add runtime input checking via the needs macro. See #needs. This mechanism is meant to ameliorate development-time confusion about exactly what parameters are supported by a given widget, avoiding confusing runtime NilClass errors.

To call one widget from another, inside the parent widget’s content method, instantiate the child widget and call the widget method. This assures that the same output stream is used, which gives better performance than using capture or to_html. It also preserves the indentation and helpers of the enclosing class.

In this documentation we’ve tried to keep the distinction clear between methods that emit text and those that return text. “Emit” means that it writes to the output stream; “return” means that it returns a string like a normal method and leaves it up to the caller to emit that string if it wants.

This class extends AbstractWidget and includes several modules, so be sure to check all of those places for API documentation for the various methods of Widget. Also read the API Cheatsheet in the user guide at

Now, seriously, after playing around a bit, go read the user guide. It’s fun!

Method Summary

Methods included from Sass


Methods included from AfterInitialize

included, #initialize

Methods included from JQuery

#jquery, #jquery_load, #jquery_ready

Methods included from Convenience

#css, #dom_id, #join, #to_pretty, #to_text, #url

Methods included from Externals

included, #render_externals, #render_with_externals

Methods included from Needs

included, #initialize

Methods included from HTML

#character, #close_tag, #comment, #element, #element!, #empty_element, #h, included, #instruct, #javascript, #nbsp, #open_tag, #raw, #text, #text!

Methods inherited from AbstractWidget

#call_block, #capture, #content, #initialize, inline, prettyprint_default, #prettyprint_default, prettyprint_default=, #to_a, #to_html, #to_s, #widget