DRY up those magic numbers and hard coded strings into something more managable. Fig is the smart way to manage stuff that really belongs in a config file instead of scattered throughout your code.
Read the RDocs or jump right in with the tutorial video.
Even though Ruby is a dynamic language and hard coded values aren’t as big a deal, it’s still good practice to have a centralized place to hold certain settings.
In the past I used a global Hash to store this stuff, but have always wanted something more powerful and elegant.
Fig is a simple to use configuration management tool for Ruby applications and libraries.
The primary features are:
Multiple configuration files
Dynamic updating and re-loading of configuration files
Simple dot-notation access to configuration settings
YAML access to configuration settings
Safe options to request settings that may not exist
Interpolation to help DRY up configuration files through reuse of settings
Thread safe
The simplest way to get started is to watch the 10 minute tutorial.
Fig is availabe as both a Gem and as a Rails Plugin.
To install as a Gem:
First, be sure that Github has been added as a gem source. (This only needs to be done once.)
gem sources -a
Second, install the Gem.
sudo gem install hopsoft-fig
To install as a Rails Plugin:
script/plugin install git://
Create a YAML file that will serve as one of the configuration files you plan to use. In a Rails application, I usually create the file config/app.yml, but you can name the file anything you like and can save it to any location within your appliation or library.
Instantiate a Fig object that is globally available to your application. In a Rails application, I generally do this in environment.rb.
CONFIG = + '/config/app.yml')
Start using your settings.
puts CONFIG.settings.
puts CONFIG.yaml['message']
puts CONFIG.get_setting('message')
# returns nil instead of an error when the setting doesn't exist
puts CONFIG.get_setting('some.nested.setting.that.may.not.exist')
Reuse settings in your YAML file (This is a great way to apply the DRY principle to your configuration settings):
name: Nathan Hopkins
message: Hello from {fig:name}.
puts CONFIG.get_setting('message')
# outputs -> Hello from Nathan Hopkins.
Update the YAML file and load the changes without restarting your application.
Copyright © 2008 Hopsoft LLC, released under the MIT license