
Auto-magically map Hash to ActiveRecord.attributes.

Suppose you have a hash a_hash = { 'FullName' => 'Your Name' }, and an Active Record object with a :full_name attribute to create with ‘Your Name’. It’s easy to deal with this on a one-time basis:

model.create( :full_name => a_hash['FullName'] )

However, add in 20 other keys and it gets tiresome.

Suppose you could define hash keys and their target ActiveRecord attribute in one place; then, initialize Active Record objects with the corresponding data. Continue reading.

Getting Started

All you have to do is add attr_mapped to your model.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_mapped 'FullName' => :full_name

Then you can create and update like so:

p = Person.create_with(h)
h['FullName'] = 'Mr. Name'

mapped-record is more powerful than that. See Mapping Types for efficient ways to assign mappings. See Mapping Helpers for extra-added features (e.g. post-processing data).

Mapping Types

Mappings can be created in the following ways:

Automatic mappings (implicit)

If you use,

attr_mapped 'FullName'

attr_mapped will automatically downcase_and_underscore the key to :full_name, which is often useful. Whenever used, specify these first.

Manual mappings (explicit)

To manually set which Active Record attribute you want a key to map to, add manual mappings in the options hash.

attr_mapped 'FullName' => :full_name
attr_mapped { 'FullName' => :full_name } # same as above
attr_mapped 'FullName' => :full_name, 'Email' # will fail, because the options hash is considered the last argument

Namespace mappings

Suppose you have a lot of keys starting with PBType which you want removed. Then add :namespace => 'PBType' to remove the prefix and then map automatically (also in the options hash)

attr_mapped 'PBTypeName', 'PBTypeAddress', 'PBTypeCode', { :namespace => 'PBType' }

will map PBTypeName to :name, PBTypeAddress to :address, etc.

Namespaces only apply to the keys for each attr_mapped call. So

class PBPerson < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_mapped 'PBTypeName', { :namespace => 'PBType' }
  attr_mapped 'PBTypeAddr'

will map PBTypeName to :name, but PBTypeAddr to :pb_type_addr.

Mapping priority

Regardless of how many times you call attr_mapped, mappings are overridden in increasing order of priority:

  • implicit

  • namespace

  • explicit

That means explicit will always override namespace and implicit, regardless of the order in which #attr_mapped is called. To illustrate this behavior:

class PBPerson < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_mapped 'PBTypeName', { :namespace => 'PBType' }
  attr_mapped 'PBTypeName'
  attr_mapped { 'PBTypeName' => :actually_this }

  attr_mapped 'PBTypeName', { :namespace => 'PBType', 'PBTypeName' => :actually_this } # even in this confusing example

will map to :actually_this.

Mapping Helpers


If one of the hash keys should map to the Active Record id, setting it like attr_mapped :key => :id won’t work. Active Record won’t let you mass assign :id anyway. Instead

attr_mapped 'PBTypeName', { :namespace => 'PBType', :id => 'PBKey' }

to force creation with PBKey‘s value.


You can also specify which keys to serialize after they’ve been mapped. Using,

attr_mapped 'PBArray', { :namespace => 'PB', :serialize => 'PBArray' }

will map PBArray to :array and call serialize :array in the Active Record.


You can add proc filters to process data from hashes before it’s used by Active Record.

Suppose all the dates are in the wrong format, then,

MYDATE = { |p| + 978307200) }
attr_mapped 'PBDate', { :filter => { 'PBDate' => PBPerson::MYDATE } }

Named Mappings

If for some reason, you want to use multiple mappings on the same model, you can create named mappings with attr_mapped_named, where the first argument is the mapping name, followed by the same as attr_mapped.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_mapped_named :phone_record, 'FullName'

Dynamic methods

mapped-record will then dynamically create methods so you can:

p = Person.create_with_phone_record(h)


… where deserved. A lot of cues from thoughtbot/paperclip on how to set up the gem and testing, so thanks.