Module: HTMLProofer::Configuration::ConfigurationHelp

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

  as_links: ["Assumes that `PATH` is a comma-separated array of links to check."],
  assume_extension: [
    "Automatically add specified extension to files for internal links, ",
    "to allow extensionless URLs (as supported by most servers) (default: `.html`).",
  directory_index_file: ["Sets the file to look for when a link refers to a directory. (default: `index.html`)."],
  extensions: [
    "A comma-separated list of Strings indicating the file extensions you",
    "would like to check (default: `.html`)",

  allow_hash_href: ['"If `true`, assumes `href="#"` anchors are valid (default: `true`)"'],
  allow_missing_href: [
    "If `true`, does not flag `a` tags missing `href`. In HTML5, this is technically ",
    "allowed, but could also be human error. (default: `false`)",
  checks: [
    "A comma-separated list of Strings indicating which checks you",
    "want to run (default: `[\"Links\", \"Images\", \"Scripts\"]",
  check_external_hash: ["Checks whether external hashes exist (even if the webpage exists) (default: `true`)."],
  check_internal_hash: ["Checks whether internal hashes exist (even if the webpage exists) (default: `true`)."],
  check_sri: ["Check that `<link>` and `<script>` external resources use SRI (default: `false`)."],
  disable_external: ["If `true`, does not run the external link checker (default: `false`)."],
  enforce_https: ["Fails a link if it's not marked as `https` (default: `true`)."],
  root_dir: ["The absolute path to the directory serving your html-files."],

  ignore_empty_alt: [
    "If `true`, ignores images with empty/missing ",
    "alt tags (in other words, `<img alt>` and `<img alt=\"\">`",
    "are valid; set this to `false` to flag those) (default: `true`).",
  ignore_empty_mailto: [
    "If `true`, allows `mailto:` `href`s which don't",
    "contain an email address (default: `false`)'.",
  ignore_missing_alt: ["If `true`, ignores images with missing alt tags (default: `false`)."],
  ignore_status_codes: ["A comma-separated list of numbers representing status codes to ignore."],
  ignore_files: ["A comma-separated list of Strings or RegExps containing file paths that are safe to ignore"],
  ignore_urls: [
    "A comma-separated list of Strings or RegExps containing URLs that are",
    "safe to ignore. This affects all HTML attributes, such as `alt` tags on images.",
  only_status_codes: ["A comma-separated list of numbers representing the only status codes to report on."],
  only_4xx: ["Only reports errors for links that fall within the 4xx status code range."],

  swap_attributes: [
    "JSON-formatted config that maps element names to the",
    "preferred attribute to check (default: `{}`).",
  swap_urls: [
    "A comma-separated list containing key-value pairs of `RegExp => String`.",
    "It transforms URLs that match `RegExp` into `String` via `gsub`.",
    "The escape sequences `\\:` should be used to produce literal `:`s.",

  typhoeus: ["JSON-formatted string of Typhoeus config; if set, overrides the html-proofer defaults."],
  hydra: ["JSON-formatted string of Hydra config; if set, overrides the html-proofer defaults."],
  cache: ["JSON-formatted string of cache config; if set, overrides the html-proofer defaults."],

  log_level: [
    "Sets the logging level. One of `:debug`, `:info`, ",
    "`:warn`, `:error`, or `:fatal`. (default: `:info`)",

  version: ["Prints the version of html-proofer."],