Basic shared http related utils and error translation for places applications.
- Http client - faraday based, configurable, threadsafe, ssl capable.
- Error translation. Translates http status codes to named errors for more precise error handling in application code.
Create a http client by extending HttpApiClient::Client
and providing a configuration key for the config relating to that client:
module ApiClients
class Foursquare < HttpApiClient::Client
include Singleton
def initialize
This will construct a http client configured as 'places_api' in the config/http_api_clients.yml
configuration file.
protocol: https
#port: 443 (not required)
#base_uri: '' (not required)
protocol: https
#port: 443 (not required)
#base_uri: '' (not required)
#etc. Regular yaml defaults / overrides etc can be used to keep DRY
Possible keys
- protocol, e.g. https or httpserver
- the host name, e.g. api.foursquare.comport
- self-explanatory (not required)base_uri
- base path/uri e.g. /api (not required)http_basic_username
- username for HTTP Basic Auth (not required)http_basic_password
- password for HTTP Basic Auth (not required)ca_file
- the path to a self-signed cert authority file, e.g. /usr/local/etc/nginx/my-server.crt (not required)
By implementing your http clients as singletons, you can make the most of faraday's persistent http connections via net_http_persistent. This can have a significant impact on performance for chatty apps assuming that the target server implements keep-alive.
Specifiying Token Authentication Params
Some http apis such as foursquare or instagram require auth params to be passed. These can be defined at the client level by implementing the auth_params
module ApiClients
class Foursquare < HttpApiClient::Client
include Singleton
def initialize
def auth_params
client_id: Application.config.foursquare_client_id,
client_secret: Application.config.foursquare_secret,
Current API
All api calls will return ruby hashed version of json responsea and translate error codes to appropriate Errors (Eg. 404 -> HttpApiClient::NotFound)
Raw Http Api
client.get(base_path, params, headers)
client.create(base_path, payload)
client.destroy(base_path, id)
# UPDATE - Not yet implemented (if you need it, add it)
Higher level Api
Not sure if this belongs here yet. It may be removed. These all just pass through to client.get
client.find(base_path, id, query = {})
client.find_nested(base_path, id, nested_path)
client.find_all(base_path, query = {})
Request Id Tracking
In order to provide a common request id from api call to the service provider for the purposes of monitoring, a Request-Id header can be added to all requests. In order to do this, the following config options is required:
include_request_id_header: true
In addition to this, your client code should have set a thread local variable keyed under request_id
Eg: Thread.current[:request_id] = request_id
With these in place, a request header will be added to the http request which can then be picked up and logged throughout the service provider application code.
SSL Support
SSL is supported but requires certificates for the major certificate authorities to be installed when used on OSX. Linux should have these already.
brew install curl-ca-bundle
This will install /usr/local/opt/curl-ca-bundle/share/ca-bundle.crt
- Consider enforcing an SSL connection when using HTTP Basic Auth
Release Notes
0.1.0 - 2014-04-03
- Initial release
0.1.1 - 2014-04-04
- Allow logger to be injected
0.1.2 - 2014-04-04
- Update logging to be less generic to avoid clash with other log fields
0.1.3 - 2014-04-07
- Fix issue with adding a nil request id when a client is configured to add header to requests
0.1.4 - 2014-04-07
- Don't url encode log values
0.1.5 - 2014-04-08
- Logging and metrics are separate concerns and both are injectable
0.2.0 - 2014-04-08
- 422's are now treated as exceptional which allows much easier use of http_api_client when not using Hooroo Api Tools. This moved some responsibility away from http_api_client into HoorooApiTools
0.2.1 - 2014-04-08
- A couple of code cleanup actions
0.2.2 - 2014-04-08
- TimedResult class is now no longer in the global namespace. It is in the HttpApiClient namespace now. Fixes problems with name collisions
0.2.3 - 2014-05-05
- Add logging for json parsing failures
- Remove unused timed result
0.2.4 - 2014-05-06
- Switch to vanilla net_http rather than net_http_persistent to see if a couple of connection / response issues resolve.
0.2.5 - 2014-06-13
- Allow for earlier version of faraday
0.2.6 - 2014-10-07
- Convert hash contents (dates etc) to correct JSON format before sending over the wire.