📬 Huawei Push Kit Ruby Client

Welcome to the unofficial Ruby client for Huawei Push Kit, designed to seamlessly integrate Huawei Push Kit capabilities into your Ruby applications.

🌟 Features

  • Send notifications to devices using a simple Ruby interface.
  • Support for major features provided by the Huawei Push Kit API.

🛠 Installation

To start using this gem in your Ruby application, add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'huawei_push_kit'

Then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install huawei_push_kit

âš™ Configuration

Before using the client, you need to configure your access keys obtained from the Huawei Developer Console and add it to the .env file.


🚀 Usage

require 'huawei_push_kit'

device_token = "<huawei_device_token>"
client = HuaweiPushKit::Client.new

# Send notification to a single Huawei device
client.send_push_notification(device_token, "Title", "Message")

# Subscribe to a topic
client.subscribe_to_topic("topic_name", device_token)

# Show all topics

# Send notification to a topic
client.send_push_notification_to_topic(topic_name, "Title", "Message", "topic_name")

# Unsubscribe from a topic
client.unsubscribe_from_topic("topic_name", device_token)

🔓 License

This gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.