

Visit hyperfocal.io to set up an account, and find installation instructions


After making sure you have an account on Hyperfocal, you can use the following in your application.

Event Tracking

To track an event, simply use this line in your application Hyperfocal.event('event_name', other_attributes_as_hash)

Optional (but helpful) attributes to include

“ser_id: Used to filter events by user/unique user

This will send an event to Hyperfocal

Metric Tracking

Hyperfocal allows you to report metrics to the system. You can view them, as averages, mins, or maxs.

To track a metric, use the following code in your application Hyperfocal.metric('metric_name', 'metric_value', other_attributes_as_hash)

The supported metric values are strings, and integers. If you report the metrics as integers, you can use the average, min, and max reporting type in Hyperfocal

User Tracking

If you’d like to see more detailed information about your users in Hyperfocal, you can report the User information to Hyperfocal.

To report a user to Hyperfocal, simply use the following Hyperfocal.user(attributes_as_hash).

The only required field for a user, is whatever unique identifier is used by your application. This is required to be unique for all your users, as if you report two differnet users with the same ID. We will overwrite the previous information, as the reported information is taken as gospel.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.