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Hyperion is a Ruby REST client that follows certain conventions layered on top of HTTP. The conventions implement best practices surrounding versioning, error reporting, and crafting an API for consumption by third parties. Hyperion provides abstractions that make it easy to follow these conventions consistently across projects.

This document describes the conventions, then demonstrates how to use the API, and finally shows how to test your client-side code.


The conventions are modeled after GitHub's Developer API.


According to best practices, hyperion uses both resource versioning and message versioning.

Message versioning

A client sends a request to the server, and the server returns a response. The request and response each have a message type with a well specified structure. When placing the request, the client specifies the type of messages it expects back. For PUT, POST, and PATCH requests, the client also specifies the message type of the payload it is sending with the request.

A client might send a request with the header:

Accept: application/vnd.indigobio-ascent.user-v1+json

which indicates that the server must return an "ascent.user" message, version 1, formatted as JSON. If the server does not support this, it must return a 400-level error (discussed below).

A client POSTing a new user also includes the header:

Content-Type: application/json

indicating that it is sending JSON. The server takes the Accept header message type to be the type of the request payload.

The message version is incremented when the message structure changes.

Note: Message types are currently established via documentation. In the future, it would be desirable for them to be declared precisely in a protobuf-like form, which would allow for generated documentation, simpler serialization code, automatic validation, and enhanced logging and diagnostics.

Resource versioning

Less frequently, the semantics of a given resource change. There are several ways a server can route a particular resource version, including:

  • /v2/ - incorporating the version in the URI
  • ?v=2 - accepting the version as a query parameter
  • v2.archiver.indigobio.com - incorporating the version in the hostname
  • creating a differently named resource altogether

Hyperion does not expressly support any of these conventions, although it may in the future.

Client Errors

The server always returns 400-level errors as exactly 400; no distinction is made in the HTTP response code. Instead, the server returns a well-defined "client error response" structure that contains

  • a human-oriented error message, and
  • a machine-oriented list of "error detail" structures.

The message describes the problem. The error details provide enough information to begin resolving the problem.

An error detail consists of:

  • code (not to be confused with the HTTP status code, e.g., 200)
  • reason
  • resource
  • field
  • value

The code is an enumeration value (e.g., "missing", "invalid", "unsupported") which describes the type of problem with the request.

The reason explains why the problem occurred.

The problem is associated with a particular resource, and perhaps more specifically with a particular field and value on that resource.

Each field is a string. Depending on the code, some fields may not apply. Inapplicable fields are always present, with the empty string as their value. This simplifies the code that deals with them.

Server Errors

Server errors are returned as normal 500 responses, which may or may not have a body. There is no special treatment.

Using hyperion

Hyperion's API revolves around the idea of a route, which is a combination of:

  • HTTP method
  • URI
  • parameters that influence header generation and de/serialization
    • ResponseDescriptor (what kind of data do we want back)
    • influences the Accept header
    • PayloadDescriptor (what kind of data is being PUT or POSTed)
    • influences the Content-Type header

Hyperion automatically deserializes responses according to the ResponseDescriptor and serializes the request payload according to the PayloadDescriptor.

Hyperion provides a basic interface for requesting routes.

require 'hyperion'

message_type = 'user'
version = 1
format = :json
route = RestRoute.new(:get, 'http://somesite.org/users/0', ResponseDescriptor.new(message_type, version, format))
user = Hyperion.request(route)

You can pass request a block, in which case the return value of the block becomes the return value of request.

user = Hyperion.request(route) do |result|
  if result.status == HyperionResult::Status::SUCCESS

Production-quality error handling becomes hairy quickly, so hyperion provides a mini DSL to make it easier.

Hyperion.request(route) do |result|
  result.when(HyperionResult::Status::SUCCESS) { User.new(result.body) }
  result.when(400..499) { raise 'we screwed up' }
  result.when(500..599) { raise 'they screwed up' }
  result.when(evil) { exit(1) }

def evil
  proc do |result|
    result.body['things'].any?{|x| x['id'] == '666'}

Conditions are tested in order. When hyperion encounters the first true condition, it executes the associated block, the value of which becomes the return value of request.

A condition may be:

  • a HyperionResult::Status enumeration member,
  • an ErrorInfo::Code enumeration member,
  • an HTTP code,
  • a range of HTTP codes, or
  • an arbitrary predicate.

To obviate guard logic in predicates, a predicate that raises an exception is treated as a non-match. In the example above, if the body didn't have a 'things' key, then .any? would raise a NoMethodError, interpreted as a non-match, and hyperion would move on to the next predicate.

Route classes

In practice, you don't want to litter your code with RestRoute.new invocations. Here is a pattern for encapsulating the routes. It is the client-side analog of routes.rb in Rails.

class CrudRoutes
  def initialize(resource)
    @resource = resource

  def read(id)
    build(:get, id, response(message_type_for(@resource), 1, :json))

  def create
    build(:post, '', response(message_type_for(@resource), 1, :json), payload(:json))


You can easily imagine the rest of the routes and what the helper methods build, message_type_for, response, and payload look like.

Use it like this:

user_routes = CrudRoutes.new('users')
Hyperion.request(user_routes.create, body: {name: 'joe', email: 'joe@schmoe.com'})
# later...
joe = Hyperion.request(user_routes.read(joes_id))

A few notes:

CrudRoutes functions as an API spec, albeit a stripped down one. Therefore, there is no need to write specs for it; the specs would likely be harder to understand than the code itself. CrudRoutes could be DRYed up more, but that would reduce its understandability and create the need for specs.

See AssaymaticRoutes in ascent-web for the most complete example to date.


# configure hyperion
Hyperion.configure do |config|
  config.vendor_string = 'indigobio-ascent'  # becomes part of the Accept header


Superion layers more convenience onto Hyperion by helping dispatch the response: internalizing the response and dealing with errors.

Render and project

require 'superion'

class UserGateway
  include Superion

  def find(id)
    route = RestRoute.new(:get, "http://somesite.org/users/#{id}")
    user = request(route, render: as_user)

  def as_user
    proc do |hash|

On success, the "render" proc has a chance to transform the body (usually a Hash) into an internal representation (often an entity).

After rendering, a "project" proc (the block) has a chance to project the rendered entity; for example, by choosing a subdocument or field.

def user_names
  route = RestRoute.new(:get, "http://somesite.org/users")
  request(route, render: as_users) do |users|

Result dispatch

Superion has four levels of dispatching:

  • core,
  • includer, and
  • request.

They are distinguished by their scope. The core handler is built into superion. An includer handler affects all requests made by a particular class. A request handler affects only a particular request.

When superion receives a response, it passes the result through the request, includer, and core handlers, in that order. The first handler to match wins, and no further handlers are tried. If no handler matches, then superion raises a HyperionError error.


The core handler handles the 200 success case and 400- and 500-level errors. In the success case, the body is rendered and projected. In the error cases, a HyperionError is raised. The message for 400s is taken from the error response. The message for 500s contains the raw string body. Specifically for 404, no body is available, so an error indicating an unimplemented route is raised.


The includer handler is an optional method on the requesting class.

class UserGateway
  include Superion

  def find(id)

  def superion_handler(result)
    result.when(ErrorInfo::MISSING) { raise "The resource was not found: #{result.route}" }
    result.when(HyperionResult::Status::SERVER_ERROR) { ... }


The request handler provides a convenient way to specify a handler as a Hash for an individual request call. If a superion_handler looks like:

result.when(condition) { return_something }

then the equivalent request handler is

{ condition => proc { return_something } }

Pass it as the also_handle option:

  request(route, render: as_user, also_handle: { condition => proc { return_something } })


Hyperion includes methods to help test your client-side code.

require 'hyperion_test'

list_route = RestRoute.new(:get, "http://somesite.org/users")
find_route = RestRoute.new(:get, "http://somesite.org/users/123")

# start a fake server
Hyperion.fake('http://somesite.org') do |svr|
  svr.allow(list_route) { [User.new('123'), User.new('456')].as_json }
  svr.allow(find_route) do |result|

# then place requests against it
users = Hyperion.request(list_route)
expect(users[0]['id']).to eql 123
expect(users[1]['id']).to eql 456

Hyperion::fake starts a real web server which responds to the configured routes. It provides an easy way to exercise the entire stack when running your tests.

For simpler cases:

list_route = RestRoute.new(:get, "http://somesite.org/users")
response = [User.new('123'), User.new('456')]
fake_route(list_route, response)

See the specs for details.


When improving hyperion, increment the version in version.rb (Hyperion uses semantic versioning) and describe your changes in CHANGES.md.

Design decisions

Hyperion is backed by Typhoeus, which in turn is backed by libcurl. Both are fully featured, have widespread adoption, and are actively maintained. One particularly nice feature of Typhoeus is that it provides an easy way to issue multiple requests in parallel, which is important when you have a microservices architecture.

Our original plan was to have a second gem containing Hyperion.fake and its dependencies. The problem is that you need to keep the two gems in sync, which reduces agility. As a compromise, Hyperion.fake still lives in the hyperion gem but is only loaded when you require 'hyperion_test'. Assuming no production code requires hyperion_test, none of the test-related dependencies will be loaded in a production system, although the gem dependencies will be part of the production bundle.

Parking Lot

  • Consider making the set of supported formats/content-types extensible.
  • Consider adding a configuration value to set the logger to use. If none is provided, fall back on Rails.logger, and then a new Logger.