Hypertext Application Language (HAL)

What HTML does for web browsers, HAL does for applications.

HTML gives you pages of marked-up information for presentation to users; HAL gives you marked-up representations for application consumption. Applications can easily extract information about remote resources, including relationships between resources. What HAL calls a representation, HTML calls a web page; such pages have links to other pages. HTML was designed for presenting information to humans. HAL was designed for presenting information to applications.

This gem provides a suite of Ruby classes for rendering and parsing resource representations, including their links, properties and nested representations of embedded resources.


The interfaces and implementations largely echo those written in Java, but there are some deliberate deviations.

The Ruby gem adds some consistency in naming. Representation is the name used to describe an object that represents some remote resource. The term “resource” describes the actual remote resource. Representations represent resources only; they are not the resource themselves.

The use of “currie” has been replaced as it partially overlaps the idea of currying and curried functions in mathematics and computer science, when in fact the term ‘curie’ only refers to a compact URI. The acronym only coincidentally resembles the word “curry,” a delicious Asian meal.