i18n-hygiene Build Status

Provides a configurable rake task to help maintain your translations.

Over the lifetime of a project there tends to be a lot of churn in the translation files. Contexts and meanings will change, features will be added and removed. You'll find that soon enough, translations fall out of use, mistakes by developers or translators will creep in. The longer this goes on, the harder it is to keep them neat and tidy.

This tool is intended to be used as part of your continuous integration pipeline to keep your translations healthy and prevent issues from ever making it to production.


Include the gem in your gemfile and bundle:

gem 'i18n-hygiene'

Integrating with rake

Create a rake task with the desired configuration. For example, this will create a rake task called i18n:hygiene:

namespace :i18n do
  I18n::Hygiene::RakeTask.new do |config|
    config.directories = ["app", "lib"]

You can then run the rake task with:

bundle exec rake i18n:hygiene

You could also create separate rake tasks with different names and configurations, this may be useful if you are in the middle of rolling out a new locale:

namespace :i18n do
  I18n::Hygiene::RakeTask.new(:hygiene_live) do |config|
    config.locales = [:fr]

  I18n::Hygiene::RakeTask.new(:hygiene_wip) do |config|
    config.locales = [:es]

Which could be run like:

bundle exec rake i18n:hygiene_live
bundle exec rake i18n:hygiene_wip


Configuration Default Description
concurrency Number of CPU cores How many threads to use for key usage check
directories All Directories to search for key usage
exclude_files None Excludes files from key usage check
exclude_keys None Exclude individual keys
exclude_scopes None Exclude groups of keys
file_extensions rb, erb, coffee, js, jsx Only look in files with these extensions for key usage
primary_locale I18n.default_locale Translations from other locales are checked against this
locales I18n.available_locales Translations from these are checked against primary

Example using all configuration options:

I18n::Hygiene::RakeTask.new do |config|
  config.concurrency = 16
  config.directories = ["app", "lib"]
  config.exclude_files = ["README.md"]
  config.file_extensions = ["rb", "jsx"]
  config.primary_locale = :en
  config.locales = [:ja, :kr]
  config.exclude_keys = [
  config.exclude_scopes = [

Without Rails

Using this gem without Rails is possible, but you'll need to load the translations manually first.

namespace :i18n do
  require 'i18n'
  require 'i18n/hygiene'

  I18n.load_path = Dir["locales/*.yml"]

  I18n::Hygiene::RakeTask.new(:hygiene_live) do |config|
    config.directories = ["src"]
    config.locales = [:fr]
