2.6.6 / 2012-03-14
major enhancements
Added support for integers as token names
Added nice example of “to be” inflection in English
minor enhancements
Documentation updated
Added instance method empty? to LazyEnumerator
2.6.5 / 2012-03-10
minor enhancements
Back to Psych YAML parser while creating gem
2.6.4 / 2012-03-10
minor enhancements
Changed documentation examples for calling rake
Tested against Ruby 1.9.3-p0
Updated dependencies
Updated copyright notices
Started codenaming each version (including minor version numbers)
2.6.2 / 2011-08-07
minor bugfixes
Applied a workaround against a buggy parser in Rubygems
2.6.1 / 2011-07-10
major enhancements
Handling of methods and Proc objects used to obtain inflection options improved by caching
Added caching for methods reporting locales that support inflection
Lazy operations optimized
minor enhancements
Fixed documentation links
Dependencies updated
2.6.0 / 2011-03-08
minor enhancements
Strings concatenation optimized
API methods simplified
Added lazy iteration methods to I18n::Inflector::InflectionData and I18n::Inflector::InflectionData_Strict
Added lazy iteration methods to I18n::Inflector::API and I18n::Inflector::API_Strict
2.5.1 / 2011-02-25
minor enhancements
Added the ability to use symbols as descriptions (values) in a configuration
2.5.0 / 2011-02-24
major enhancements
Interpolation wrapper refactored; works with many types of results
Added :inflector_interpolate_symbols switch
minor enhancements
Added TOKENS_RESTR, MULTI_RESTR and PATTERN_RESTR configuration constants
Dependencies updated
major bugfixes
Fixed interpolation of Arrays
minor bugfixes
Fixed pattern filtering when locale is invalid or not inflected
2.4.0 / 2011-02-23
major enhancements
Added nested translations (collections) support
Added :inflector_traverses switch
2.3.1 / 2011-02-14
major enhancements
Added wildcard tokens support
Proc and Method kind of objects might be passed as inflection options
minor enhancements
Added I18n::Inflector::Config::Markers::STRICT_KIND (character used when passing strict kinds)
Important documentation moved to the USAGE file
minor bugfixes
Fixed parsing of named patterns when :inflector_excluded_defaults is used
Fixed links in documentation
2.2.0 / 2011-02-09
major enhancements
Added loud tokens support
Added complex patterns support
Added key-based inflection support
Added :cache_aware switch
Improved validation of token and kind identifiers
minor enhancements
Refactored error reporting code
Refactored options gathering code
Removed magic symbols and strings
Removed intermediate array from LazyHashEnumerator#to_h
Added multiple patterns support (syntactic sugar)
Added I18n::Inflector::Config module
Added I18n::Inflector::LazyArrayEnumerator class
Added I18n::Inflector::HSet class for keeping collections of data
Added error classes: I18n::InvalidInflectionOption and I18n::InvalidInflectionKind
Interpolation method moved to I18n::Inflector::Interpolate module
All inflection related exceptions now have the attribute “key” containing key name
major bugfixes
Fixed handling of missing inflection option when :inflector_raises is set
minor bugfixes
Fixed interpolation when :excluded_defaults is on and a kind is strict
Fixed interpolation when pattern is escaped and locale is not inflected
Enabled filtering of reserved names in options
Enabled filtering of inflection options for options that go to original translate method
Updated documentation in a section describing options
Fixed some examples
2.1.0 / 2011-01-27
major enhancements
Added named patterns support (strict kinds)
API improved: major class is I18n::Inflector::API
Added class I18n::Inflector::API_Strict for accessing strict inflections
Added lazy enumerators for internal hashes, which saves some memory
Added strict kinds detection (@-style kind names) to most of the methods from main API class
Added new error classes: InflectionOptionNotFound and InflectionOptionIncorrect
Added class for handling inflection data for strict kinds: I18n::Inflector::InflectionData_Strict
Inflections for regular and strict kinds are handled by separate data structures and objects
Documentation updated
minor bugfixes
Error reporting fixed in some places
Strict kinds interpolation improved
Removed some slow blocks
Loading inflection tokens cleaned up
2.0.1 / 2011-01-15
minor enhancements
Documentation updated
minor bugfixes
Fixed duplicated dependency generation in Hoe
2.0.0 / 2011-01-14
major enhancements
API changed
Added a class for keeping internal inflection data: I18n::Inflector::InflectionData
Added a class for keeping options: I18n::Inflector::InflectionOptions
Added a class for controlling the inflection: I18n::Inflector::Core
Added a module for utilities: I18n::Inflector::Util
Added token groups support
Added inversed matching of tokens in inflection patterns
Added support for aliases in inflection patterns
Most of the methods from I18n::Backend::Inflector moved to Core submodule
Most methods rewritten
1.0.10 / 2011-01-10
major bugfixes
Removed cause of infinite loops while initializing translations
Disabled lookup from being used before translations are initialized
Fixed initialization routine (dangerous typo when setting booleans)
minor enhancements
Switched to lazy loading of inflection data for certain locales
1.0.8 / 2011-01-08
major enhancements
Enabled escaping of patterns using @@pattern or @pattern
1.0.7 / 2011-01-07
major bugfixes
Fixed interpolation when a translated string begins with a pattern
1.0.6 / 2010-12-30
minor enhancements
Added API method inflection_kind(token)
Added API method inflection_true_token(token)
Added API method inflected_locale(locale)
1.0.5 / 2010-12-29
major enhancements
Compatible with i18n >= 0.4.1
1.0.4 / 2010-12-27
minor enhancements
Documentation updated
1.0.3 / 2010-12-25
major enhancements
YARD documentation updated with metatags
minor enhancements
Some changes in accessors for interpolation switches
1.0.2 / 2010-12-22
minor enhancements
Switched to YARD documentation
Tests simplified
Depandencies simplified
1.0.0 / 2010-12-22
1 major enhancement