Usage of the I18n Inflector

The I18n Inflector contains inflection classes and modules for enabling the inflection support in I18n translations. It is also used by the module called I18n::Backend::Inflector that overwrites the translate method from the Simple backend so it will interpolate additional inflection data present in translations. That data may appear in patterns enclosed within @{ and } symbols. Each pattern consist of tokens and respective values. One of the value will be used depending on additional data passed to the translate method. That additional data is called inflection options.


require 'i18-inflector'

i18n.translate('welcome', :gender => :f)
# => Dear Madam

# => [:gender]

# => [:f, :m, :n]

See the EXAMPLES for more information about real-life usage of Inflector.

Inflection pattern

An example inflection pattern stored under a translation key looks like:

welcome: "Dear @{f:Madam|m:Sir|n:You|All}"

The f, m and n are inflection tokens and Madam, Sir, You and All are values. Only one value is going to replace the whole pattern. To select which one an additional option is used. That option must be passed to the translate method.

There are also so called named patterns that will be explained later.


To recognize tokens present in patterns keys grouped in the scope called inflections for the given locale are used. For instance (YAML format):

        f:      "female"
        m:      "male"
        n:      "neuter"
        man:    @m
        woman:  @f
        default: n

Elements in the example above are:

  • en: language

  • i18n: configuration scope

  • inflections: inflections configuration scope

  • gender: kind scope

  • f, m, n: inflection tokens

  • "male", "female", "neuter": tokens’ descriptions

  • woman, man: inflection aliases

  • @f, @m: pointers to real tokens

  • default: default token for a kind gender

Note about YAML parsing

The example above is not compatible with Psych parser, which is used by Rails 3. There are two ways to solve that problem.

First is to make a change in a YAML file and replace any value that has special meaning with a symbol:

        f:        "female"
        m:        "male"
        n:        "neuter"
        female:   :@f
        male:     :@m
        default:  :n

Second way is to use other parser by adding to config/boot.rb:

require 'yaml'
YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck'

Note that all the examples in this documentation use the less strict format. If you will encounter any parsing problems in your application then change all problematic inflection values in YAML files into symbols.


Note the fourth scope selector in the example above (gender). It’s called the kind and contains tokens. We have the kind gender to which the inflection tokens f, m and n are assigned.

You cannot assign the same token to more than one kind. Trying to do that will raise I18n::DuplicatedInflectionToken exception. This is required in order to keep patterns simple and tokens interpolation fast.

Kind is also used to instruct I18n::Backend::Inflector#translate method which token it should pick. This is done through options and will be explained later.

There is also a class of kind called strict kind used by named patterns; that will be explained later.


The token is an element of a pattern. Any pattern may have many tokens of the same kind separated by vertical bars. Optionally tokens might be groupped using commas (these are token groups; that will be explained later). Each token name (or a group of tokens) used in a pattern should end with colon sign. After this colon a value should appear (or an empty string).

Tokens also appear in a configuration data. They are assigned to kinds. Token names must be unique across all kinds, since it would be impossible for interpolation routine to guess a kind of a token present in a pattern. There is however a class of kinds called strict kinds, for which tokens must be unique only within a kind. The named patterns that are using strict kinds will be explained later.


Aliases are special tokens that point to other tokens. By default they cannot appear in inflection patterns but they are fully recognized in options that are be passed to the translation method.

Aliases might be helpful in multilingual applications that are using a fixed set of values passed through options to describe some properties of messages, e.g. masculine and feminine for a grammatical gender. Translators will then use their own tokens (like f and m for English) to produce pretty and intuitive patterns.

For example: if some application uses database with gender assigned to a user which may be male, female or none, then a translator may find it useful to map impersonal token (none) to the neuter token, since in translations for his language the neuter gender is in use.

Here is the example of such situation:

        male:     "male"
        female:   "female"
        none:     "impersonal form"
        default:  none 

        k:        "female"
        m:        "male"
        n:        "neuter"
        male:     @k
        female:   @m
        none:     @n
        default:  none

In the case above Polish translator decided to use neuter instead of impersonal form when none token will be passed through the option :gender to the translate method. He also decided that he will use k, m or n in patterns, because the names are short and correspond to gender names in Polish language: k for ‘kobieta’ (woman), m for ‘mężczyzna’ (man), n for ‘nijaki’ (neuter).

Aliases may point to other aliases. While loading inflections they will be internally shortened and they will always point to real tokens, not other aliases.

Default token

There is a special token called the default, which points to a token that should be used if the interpolation routine cannot deduce which one it should use because a proper option was not given.

Default tokens may point to aliases and may use aliases’ syntax, e.g.:

default: @man


The values of keys in the example (female, male and neuter) are descriptions which usually are not used by the interpolation routine but might be helpful (e.g. in UI). For obvious reasons you cannot describe aliases.


The value of each token present in a pattern is to be picked by the interpolation routine and will replace the whole pattern, when a token name from that pattern matches the given value of an option passed to the I18n.translate method.

Inflection option

The mentioned option is called the inflection option. Its name should be the same as a kind of tokens used within a pattern. The first token in a pattern determines the kind of all tokens used in that pattern. You can pass many inflection options, each one designated for transporting a token of a different kind.



Let’s assume that the translation data in YAML format listed below is used in any later example, unless other inflections are given.

        m:       "male"
        f:       "female"
        n:       "neuter"
        default: n

  welcome:  "Dear @{f:Madam|m:Sir|n:You|All}"


I18n.translate('welcome', :gender => :m)
# => "Dear Sir"

I18n.translate('welcome', :gender => :unknown)
# => "Dear All"

# => "Dear You"

In the second example the fallback value All was interpolated because the routine had been unable to find the token called :unknown. That differs from the latest example, in which there was no option given, so the default token for a kind had been applied (in this case n).

Inflection options as Methods or Procs

The inflection option may contain an object that is a kind of Method or a Proc. The token will be obtained by calling the given method or a block when interpolation routine will need it.

The passed method or a block should return an object that is a kind of Symbol. It will be used as an inflection token.

Optionally the inflection method may make use of a block that is passed to it. Currently two parameters can be obtained using the keyword yield. Fist is the currenty parsed kind (including @ character in case of a strict kind) and second is the locale; both are the kind of Symbol. Example:

def get_gender
  kind, locale = yield  # optional
  :n                    # return token n

translate('welcome', :gender => method(:get_gender))

In case of Proc, the arguments are passed in a more comprehensive way, as parameters passed to a block. Such a block must handle exactly two arguments:

p = lambda{ |kind, locale| :m }
translate('welcome', :gender => p)

Note that if there will be any error that causes exception to be raised by such a method or a block then it will be raised regardless of :inflector_raises option.

Local fallbacks (free text)

The fallback value will be used when none of the tokens contained within a pattern can be interpolated.

Be aware that enabling extended error reporting makes it unable to use fallback values in most cases. Local fallbacks will then be applied only when the given option contains a proper value for some kind but it’s just not present in a pattern, for example:


        n:    'neuter'
        o:    'other'

  welcome:    "Dear @{n:You|All}"


I18n.translate('welcome', :gender => :o, :inflector_raises => true)
# => "Dear All"
# since the token :o was configured but not used in the pattern

Bad and empty tokens in options

If an option containing token is not present at all then the interpolation routine will try the default token for a processed kind, if the default token is present in a pattern. The same thing will happend if the option is present but its value is malformed, unknown, empty or nil. If the default token is not present in a pattern or is not defined in a configuration data then the processing of a pattern will result in an empty string or in a local fallback value if there is a free text placed in a pattern.

You can change this default behavior and force inflector not to use a default token when a value of an option for a kind is malformed, unknown, empty or nil but only when it’s not present. To do that you should set option :inflector_unknown_defaults to false and pass it to the translate method. Other way is to set this switch globally using the I18n::Inflector::InflectionOptions#unknown_defaults.

Unmatched tokens in options

It might happend that there will be a default token present in a pattern but the given inflection option will cause some other token to be picked up, which however won’t be present in this pattern (although it will be correct and assigned to the currently processed kind). In such case the given free text or an empty string will be generated. You may change that behavior by passing :inflector_excluded_defaults option set to true or by setting the global option called I18n::Inflector::InflectionOptions#excluded_defaults. If this option is set then any unmatched (excluded but correct) token given in an inflection option will cause the default token’s value to be picked up (of course if a default token will be present in a pattern).

Mixing inflection and standard interpolation patterns

The Inflector allows you to include standard %{} patterns inside of inflection patterns. The value of a standard interpolation variable will be evaluated and interpolated before processing an inflection pattern. For example:


Note: Uses inflection configuration given in the first example.

  hi:   "Dear @{f:Lady|m:%{test}}!"


I18n.t('hi', :gender => :m, :locale => :xx, :test => "Dude")
# => Dear Dude!

Token groups

It is possible to assign some value to more than one token in a patterns. You can create group of tokens by separating them using commas. The comma has the meaning of logical OR.


Note: Uses inflection configuration given in the first example.

  welcome:  "Hello @{m,f:Ladies and Gentlemen|n:You}!"


I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :f)
# => Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

Inversed matching of tokens

You can place exclamation mark before a token that should be matched negatively. Its value will be used for a pattern if the given inflection option contains other token. You can use inversed matching of tokens in token groups but note that putting more than one inversed token to a group will cause the expression to mach every time.


Note: Uses inflection configuration given in the first example.

  welcome:  "Hello @{!m:Ladies|n:You}!"


I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :n)
# => Hello Ladies!

I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :f)
# => Hello Ladies!

I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :m)
# => Hello !

Wildcard tokens

You may use the wildcard character, a star (+*+), in place of token group to create a virtual token that matches any token of a parsed kind. For example:


Note: Uses inflection configuration given in the first example.

  welcome:  "Hello @{n:you|*:ladies and gentlemen}!"


I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :n)
# => Hello you!

I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :f)
# => Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Note that for simple patterns you can use free text instead, which works almost the same way with one significant difference: free text will be evaluated as the last expression, regardless of its placement. On the contrary a wildcard token will be evaluated as any other token group and may not be used if any previously tested token will match (like n in the example above).

While a wildcard token is processed then the interpolation routine will validate if the required inflection option exists and if it contains a proper token. Using wildcard token is like using a token group for any other token group containing all possible true tokens in it.

In case of regular patterns containing just a wildcard token alone there is no way to easily decide which kind the expression refers to. To deduce it the first valid inflection option will be used. In order to work it must contain some valid token identifier. If the token identifier is invalid and there are more inflection options then they are tried.

Wildcard tokens are useful in so called complex patterns which will be explained later.

Loud tokens

Sometimes there might be a need to use descriptions of matching tokens instead of some given values. Use loud tokens to achieve that. Any matching token in a pattern that has tilde symbol (+~+) set as its value will be replaced by its description. In case of undescribed aliases, the description from a target token will be used.


Note: Uses inflection configuration given in the first example.

  welcome:  "Hello @{m:~|n:~}!"


I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :n)
# => Hello neuter!

I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :f)
# => Hello female!

To use tilde symbol as the only value of a token you may esape it by putting a backslash in front of the symbol.

Using loud token with wildcard token will result in a description of first matching token.

Aliases in a pattern

Normally it is possible to use in patterns only true tokens, not aliases. However, if you feel lucky and you’re not affraid of messy patterns you can use the switch I18n::Inflector::InflectionOptions#aliased_patterns or pass corresponding :inflector_aliased_patterns option to the translate method.

Escaping a pattern

If there is a need to translate something that accidentally matches an inflection pattern then the escape symbols can be used to disable the interpolation. These symbols are \ and @ and they should be placed just before a pattern that should be left untouched. For instance:


Note: Uses inflection configuration given in the first example.

  welcome:  "This is the @@{pattern}!"


I18n.t('welcome', :gender => :m, :locale => :xx)
# => This is the @{pattern}!

More about applying aliases

It may seem very easy and attractive to use aliases in environments where inflection option’s value comes from a user. In such cases aliases may be used as database that translates common words to inflection tokens that have meanings. For example a user may enter a gender in some text field and it will be used as value of inflection option. To map different names (e.g. male, boy, sir, female, girl, lady) to exact inflection tokens the aliases would be used.

Note hovewer, that you can make use of I18n.inflector.true_token method (see I18n::Inflector::API#true_token) that will resolve any alias, and then use that data to feed an inflection option (e.g. :gender). In such scenario you don’t have to rely on resolving aliases any time translation is performed and you will gain some speed.

Named patterns

A named pattern is a pattern that contains name of a kind that tokens from a pattern are assigned to. It looks like:

welcome: "Dear @gender{f:Madam|m:Sir|n:You|All}"

Configuring named patterns

To recognize tokens present in named patterns, inflector uses keys grouped in the scope called inflections for the given locale. For instance (YAML format):

        f:      "female"
        woman:  @f
        default: f

Elements in the example above are:

  • en: language

  • i18n: configuration scope

  • inflections: inflections configuration scope

  • gender: strict kind scope

  • f: inflection token

  • "female": token’s description

  • woman: inflection alias

  • @f: pointer to real token

  • default: default token for a strict kind gender

Strict kinds

In order to handle named patterns properly a new data structure is used. It is called the strict kind. Strict kinds are defined in a configuration in a similar way the regular kinds are but tokens assigned to them may have the same names across a whole configuration. (Note that tokens of the same strict kind should still be unique.) That implies a requirement of passing the identifier of a kind in patterns when referring to such tokens.

Here is the example configuration using strict kinds:

        f:      "female"
        m:      "male"
        n:      "neuter"
        man:    @m
        woman:  @f
        default: n
        s:      "sir"
        l:      "lady"
        u:      "you"
        m:      @s
        f:      @l
        default: u

The only thing that syntactically distinguishes strict kinds from regular kinds is a presence of the @ symbol.

You can mix regular and strict kinds having the same names in one translation entry, but not in one inflection pattern. The proper class of kind will be picked up by interpolation method easily, since the first mentioned class uses patterns that are not named, and the second uses named patterns.

Strict kinds in inflection options

The interpolation routine recognizes strict kinds passed as names of inflection options in almost the same way that it does for regular kinds. The only difference is that you can override usage of a regular kind inflection option (if there is any) by putting a strict kind option with the same name but prefixed by @ symbol. The inflection options starting with this symbol have precedence over inflection options without it; that is of course only true for strict kinds and has any effect only when both options describing kinds of the same name are present.

In other words: interpolation routine is looking for strict kinds in inflection options using their names with @ in front. When that fails it falls back to an option named like the strict kind but without the @ symbol. Examples:

I18n.translate(welcome, :gender => :m, :@gender => :f)
# the :f will be picked for the strict kind gender

I18n.translate(welcome, :@gender => :f)
# the :f will be picked for the strict kind gender

I18n.translate(welcome, :gender => :f)
# the :f will be picked for the strict kind gender

In the example above we assume that welcome is defined like that:

welcome: "Dear @gender{f:Madam|m:Sir|n:You|All}"

Note that for regular kinds the option named :@gender will have no meaning.

Note for developers

Strict kinds that are used to handle named patterns are internally stored in a different database and handled by similar but different API methods than regular kinds. However most of the I18n::Inflector::API methods are also aware of strict kinds and will call proper methods oprating on strict inflections data when the @ symbol is detected at the beginning of the identifier of a kind passed as an argument. For example:

I18n.inflector.has_token?(:m, :@gender)

will effectively call:

I18n.inflector.strict.has_token?(:m, :gender)

As you can see above, to access API_Strict methods for strict kinds (and strict kinds data) only, associated with default I18n backend, use:


Multiple patterns

You can make use of some syntactic sugar when having more than one pattern (regular or named) in your string. To not repeat a kind identifier(s) you may join pattern contents as in the following example:

welcome: "You are @gender{f:pretty|m,n:handsome}{ }{f:lady|m:sir|n:human}"

As you can see there should be no spaces or any other characters between successive patterns. That’s why in this example an empty pattern content is used. This is in fact a pattern containing no tokens but just a free text consisting of single space character.

Complex patterns

A complex pattern is a named pattern that uses more than one inflection kind and sets of a respective tokens. The given identifiers of kinds should be separated by the plus sign and instead of single tokens there should be token sets (a tokens separated by the plus sign too).


welcome:  "Dear @gender+number{f+s:Lady|f+p:Ladies|m+s:Sir|m+p:Gentlemen|All}"

In the example above the complex pattern uses gender and number inflection kinds and a token set (e.g. f+s) matches when both tokens match interpolation options (e.g. :gender => :f, :number => :s). The order of tokens in sets has meaning and should reflect the order of declared kinds.

Note, that the count of tokens in each set should reflect the count of kinds that are used. Otherwise the interpolation routine will interpolate a free text (if given) or an empty string. If the switch InflectionOptions#raises is on then the I18n::ComplexPatternMalformed exception will be raised.

The inflection tokens used in sets may make use of any features mentioned before (defaults, excluded defaults, negative matching, token groups, aliases, aliased patterns, loud tokens, wildcards).

Loud tokens in complex patterns

In case of loud tokens (having values taken from their descriptions), the complex pattern will be replaced by the descriptions of matching tokens joined with a single space character. So, for instance, when the translation data looks like:

      i: 'I'
      u: 'You'
      now:  'am'
      past: 'were'
welcome: "@person+tense{i+now:~|u+past:~}"

the translate method will give the following results:

I18n.translate('welcome', :person => :i, :tense => :now)
# => "I am"

I18n.translate('welcome', :person => :you, :tense => :past)
# => "You were"

This example is abstract, since the combination of :i and :past will result in i were string, which is probably something unexpected. To achieve that kind of logic simply use combined patterns with the given values instead of loud tokens.

Wildcard tokens in complex patterns

The wildcard tokens might be extremely helpful in complex patterns since there is one shared free text for a whole pattern yet there might be a need to match any token for some subkind. For example:

welcome: @person+tense{i+present:am|u+present:are|*+present:is}

Note that in the example above * matches ‘i’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘it’ but ‘i’ and ‘u’ are effectively matched before. The equivalent pattern without a wildcard token would look like:

welcome: @person+tense{i+present:am|u+present:are|i,u,he,she,it+present:is}

Inflection keys

There is a way of storing inflected strings in keys instead of patterns. To use it you should simply assign subkeys to some translation key instead of string containing a pattern. The key-based inflection group is contained within a key which name begins with the @ symbol.

The translation key containing a pattern:

welcome:  "Dear @{f:Lady|m:Sir|n:You|All}!"

Can be easily written as:

  f:        "Lady"
  m:        "Sir"
  n:        "You"
  @free:    "All"
  @prefix:  "Dear "
  @suffix:  "!"

You can also use strict kind or even the inflection sets, token groups, etc.:

welcome:  "@gender+tense{f+past:She was|m+present:He is|n+future:You will be}"

Can be written as:

  f+past:     "She was"
  m+present:  "He is"
  n+future:   "You will be"
  @kind:      "gender+tense"

There are special, optional subkeys that may give you more control over inflection process. These are:

  • @kind: a kind or kinds in case of strict kinds

  • @prefix: a prefix to be put before the interpolated data

  • @suffix: a suffix to be put after the interpolated data

  • @free: a free text that is to be used when no token will match


Inflection keys look compact and clean but obviously you cannot use the key-based inflection to simply replace a string containing more than one inflection pattern.

Also, you have to be very careful when using this method with Ruby 1.8 because the order of processed token sets may change. That may break the logic in case of inflection sets where order has meaning (e.g. tokens with inverted matching).


By default the module will silently ignore non-critical interpolation errors. You can turn off this default behavior by passing :inflector_raises option set to true. Note that most errors is reported because of wrong data in patterns or in configuration. In case of inflection options only malformed, empty or nil values are reported when the mentioned switch is turned on. For inflection options containing unknown tokens no errors are generated.

Usage of :inflector_raises option


Note: Uses inflection configuration given in the first example.

  welcome:  "Dear @{m:Sir|f:Madam|Fallback}"


I18n.t('welcome', :inflector_raises => true)
# => I18n::InflectionOptionNotFound: en.welcome:
#      @{m:Sir|f:Madam|Fallback}" - required option :gender was not found

Exception meanings

Here are the exceptions that may be raised when the option :inflector_raises is set to true:

There are also exceptions that are raised regardless of :inflector_raises presence or value. These are usually caused by critical errors encountered during processing inflection data or exceptions raised by I18n. Note that the pure I18n’s exceptions are not described here.

Exception hierarchy

`-- I18n::InvalidLocale
`-- I18n::InflectionException
    `-- I18n::InflectionPatternException
    |   |
    |   |-- I18n::InvalidInflectionToken
    |   |-- I18n::InvalidInflectionKind
    |   |-- I18n::MisplacedInflectionToken
    |   |-- I18n::ComplexPatternMalformed
    |   `-- I18n::InvalidOptionForKind
    |       |-- I18n::InflectionOptionNotFound
    |       `-- I18n::InflectionOptionIncorrect
    `-- I18n::InflectionConfigurationException
        |-- I18n::DuplicatedInflectionToken
        |-- I18n::BadInflectionAlias
        |-- I18n::BadInflectionToken
        `-- I18n::BadInflectionKind

Reserved names and characters

Some strings cannot be used as names and/or identifiers of kinds and tokens. There are also some reserved characters that cannot be used within them.

Reserved keys

Reserved keys, that cannot be used as names of inflection options and as names of kinds in the configuration are available after issuing:


Here is the current list: :scope, :default, :separator, :resolve, :object, :fallback, :format, :cascade, :raise, :rescue_format, :inflector_cache_aware, :inflector_raises, :inflector_aliased_patterns, :inflector_unknown_defaults, :inflector_excluded_defaults.

Additionally all Symbols or Strings beginning with inflector_ are prohibited, since they are reserved as controlling options.

Reserved characters

All characters that have special meaning (operators and markers) are not allowed in patterns, in configuration and in options.

Reserved characters in kinds

Passed as inflection options
Given in a configuration
Placed in patterns

Reserved characters in tokens

Passed as values of inflection options
Given in a configuration
Placed in patterns

Operators and markers

Here is more formal definition of operators and markers used in patterns.


@[kind][+kind ...]{token_set[|token_set ...][|free_text]}
  • @ is the pattern marker

  • { and } are pattern delimiters

  • free_text is an optional free text value

  • kind is a kind identifier

  • + is the AND operator that joins kinds (produces complex kinds)


*|token_group[+token_group ...]:value
  • : is the ASSIGNMENT operator

  • value is a value to be picked up then a token set matches; value may also be the loud marker (+~+)

  • + is the AND operator that joins many token groups into a set

  • * is the WILDCARD operator

[!]token[,[!]token ...]
  • token is a token identifier

  • ! is the NOT operator

  • , is the OR operator

Operator precedence

  • Single token level

    • NOT operators for inversed matching of tokens (!)

    • OR operators for joining tokens into token groups (,)

  • Token group level

    • WILDCARD operators for matching any token (*)

    • AND operators for joining token groups into sets (+)

  • Token set level

    • ASSIGNMENT operators for assigning values to token sets (:)

    • OR operators for separating token sets and/or free texts (|)

  • Pattern name level

    • AND operators for kind identifiers (+)

  • Pattern level

    • Pattern marker and pattern delimiters

Classes and relations

Library contents
