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No more pounding on your APIs !

Ihasa is a ruby implementation of the token bucket algorithm backed-up by Redis.

It provides a way to share your rate/burst limit across multiple servers, as well as a simple interface.

Why use Ihasa?

  1. It's easy to use (go check the usage section)
  2. It supports rate AND burst
  3. It does not reset all rate limit consumption each new second/minute/hour
  4. It has namespaces

This README file contains the following sections:


Installation is standard:

$ gem install ihasa

You can include it in your Gemfile as well:

gem 'ihasa', require: false


Be sure to require Ihasa:

require 'ihasa'

To create a new bucket that accepts 5 requests per second with an allowed burst of 10 requests per second (the default values), use the Ihasa.bucket method:

bucket = Ihasa.bucket

Please note that the default redis connection is built from the REDIS_URL environment variable, or use the default constructor of redis-rb (redis://localhost:6379).

Now, you can use your token bucket to check if an incoming request can be handled, or must be declined:

def process(request)
  if @bucket.accept?
    # Do very interesting things with the request
    # ...
    puts "Could not process request #{request}. Rate limit violated."

Please note that there is also a Ihasa::Bucket#accept?! method that raises an Ihasa::Bucket::EmptyBucket error if the limit has already been reached.


In this section, you will find some details on the available configuration options of the Ihasa::Bucket class, as well as advice on how to run many Buckets simultaneously.

Using multiple buckets

If you want to enforce per-customer rate limits, you must create as many buckets as you have customers. Which can be quite a few if you are successful ;).

To have many buckets in parallel, and to avoid resetting your redis namespaces too often, I suggest you no longer use the Ihasa.bucket method. Instead, you should back up your buckets with activerecord models (for example) and initialize them in an after-creation model callback.

To help you with that, we added the save and delete instance methods to the Ihasa::Bucket class.


  class Bucket < ActiveRecord::Base
    attr_accessible :rate, :burst, :prefix

    def implementation
      @implementation ||= Ihasa::Bucket.new(rate, burst, prefix, $redis)

    # The Ihasa::Bucket#save set the relevant
    # keys in your redis instance to have a working bucket. Do it
    # only when you create or update your bucket's configuration.
    after_save { implementation.save }

    # The Ihasa::Bucket#delete remove the variables stored into
    # the redis instance.
    after_destroy { implementation.delete }

    delegate :accept?, to: :implementation

  # Usage:

  Bucket.create(rate: 10, burst: 50, prefix: 'CustomerIdentifier42')

  # ...

  # Later, in a controller:
  DEFAULT_BUCKET = Ihasa.bucket(rate: 5, burst: 20, prefix: 'default')

  def process_request
    bucket = Bucket.find_by_prefix(params[:customer_identifier])
    unless bucket
      Rails.logger.warn("No bucket for customer #{params[:customer_identifier]}.")
      Rails.logger.warn('Using default config.')
      bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET
    unless bucket.accept?
      Rails.logger.error("Customer #{params[:customer_identifier]} violated its rate limit.")
      return head 403
    # other actions not executed if rate limit violated
    # ...

Configuring rate limit and burst limit

You can configure both the rate limit and burst limit:

bucket = Ihasa.bucket(rate: 20, burst: 100)


You can have as many buckets as you want on the same redis instance, as long as you configure different namespace for each of them.

Here is an example of using two different buckets for reading and writing to data:

class Controller < ActionController::Base
  def self.read_bucket
    @read_bucket ||= Ihasa.bucket(prefix: 'read')

  def self.write_bucket
    @write_bucket ||= Ihasa.bucket(prefix: 'write')

  def read(request)
    return head 403 unless self.class.read_bucket.accept?
    # ... Standard rendering ...

  def write(request)
    return head 403 unless self.class.write_bucket.accept?
    # ... Standard rendering ...


By default, all new buckets use the redis instance hosted at localhost:6379. You can override this default like so:

  1. Override the REDIS_URL env variable. All new buckets will use that instance
  2. Override the redis url on a bucket creation basis like this:
Ihasa.bucket(redis: Redis.new(url: 'redis://fancy_host:6379'))


This is an example of a rack middleware that accepts 20 requests per seconds, and allows bursts up to 100 requests per second:

class RateLimiter
  BUCKET = Ihasa.bucket(rate: 20, burst: 100)

  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    return @app.call(env) if BUCKET.accept?
    [403, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ["Request limit violated\n"]]