
A Ruby on Rails plugin and Ruby Gem to add after_commit callbacks to ActiveRecord. The callbacks that are provided can be used to trigger events that run only after the entire transaction is complete. This is beneficial in situations where you are doing asynchronous processing and need committed objects.

The following callbacks are provided:

* (1) after_commit
* (2) after_commit_on_create
* (3) after_commit_on_update
* (4) after_commit_on_destroy

The after_commit callback is run for any object that has just been committed. You can obtain finer callback control by using the additional after_commit_on_* callbacks.

Plugin Usage

Plugin code is at

script/plugin install git://

Installing the Gem

If you are using Merb or another Ruby implementation and require a gem install, use the following command:

sudo gem install #######

The gem can be added to a project by including the code:

require 'after_commit'

The thinking-sphinx gem already includes this line, so it should not be needed for use with this package.