

This plugin adds hipchat support to integration. Its a small set of rake tasks that can be used along with integration so it can interact with hipchat during the integration process.


Add this project to your gemfile, as you are probably used to do in a bundler controlled project.

  group :test, :development do
    gem 'integration-hipchat'      

After bundling your app, you need to change your INTEGRATION_TASKS adding your hipchat tasks.

Don't forget also to configure Rails.root/config/hipchat.yml with the following variables:

 token: "<your token>"
 room: "Your room"
 user: "Your name" # Default to `whoami`
 notify: true # Defaults to false

Tasks provided

This plugin provides the following tasks

  • integration:hipchat:announce
  • integration:hipchat:finish