IntegrationApi - the Ruby gem for the Hydrogen Integration API
The Hydrogen Integration API
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.2.1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Update Base Path
Follow steps to verify the base URL path:
- Go to configuration file located under lib folder.
- Search for @host and change/verify the URL according to the environment. Sandbox Base URL Production Base URL
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build integration_api.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./integration_api-1.2.1.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./integration_api-1.2.1.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'integration_api', '~> 1.2.1'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'integration_api', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'integration_api'
# Setup authorization
IntegrationApi.configure do |config|
# Use one of the below method to generate oauth token
# Creating a token for grant_type=client_credentials
config.create_client_credential("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET");
# Creating a token for grant_type=password
config.create_password_credential("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD");
# Creating a token using client token
config.create_client_token_credential("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", "CLIENT_TOKEN");
api_instance =
nucleus_funding_id = 'nucleus_funding_id_example' # String | nucleus_funding_id
#Cancel the ACH transfer
result = api_instance.cancel_ach_transfer_using_delete(nucleus_funding_id)
p result
rescue IntegrationApi::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ACHApi->cancel_ach_transfer_using_delete: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | cancel_ach_transfer_using_delete | DELETE /ach/nucleus_funding_id | Cancel the ACH transfer |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | create_ach_card_link_using_post | POST /ach/card_link | Create an ACH card link |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | create_bank_link_using_post | POST /ach/bank_link | Create bank link |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | create_business_using_post | POST /ach/business | Create a business |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | create_client_using_post | POST /ach/client | Create a client |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | delete_bank_link_using_delete | DELETE /ach/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Delete bank link |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | get_ach_transfer_using_get | GET /ach/nucleus_funding_id | Get the ACH transfer |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | get_balance_using_get | GET /ach/balance/portfolio_id | Get balance |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | get_bank_link_using_get | GET /ach/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Get bank link |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | get_bank_links_for_reserve_account_using_get | GET /ach/bank_link/reserve | Get bank links for a reserve account |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | get_client_bank_links_using_get | GET /ach/bank_link/client/nucleus_client_id | Get client bank links |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | get_list_of_client_ach_transfers_using_get | GET /ach/client/nucleus_client_id | Get a list of client's ACH transfers |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | get_list_of_tenant_ach_transfers_using_get | GET /ach | Get a list of tenant's ACH transfers |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | submit_ach_transfer_using_post | POST /ach | Submit an ACH transfer |
IntegrationApi::ACHApi | update_bank_link_using_put | PUT /ach/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Update bank link |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | create_or_update_customer | GET /accounting/customer | Update/Create all customers in Nucleus for a given nucleus_client_id |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | create_or_update_customer_revenue | GET /accounting/customer_revenue/nucleus_customer_id | Update/Create all customers revenue in Nucleus for a given nucleus_customer_id |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | create_or_update_invoice_payment | GET /accounting/invoice_payment/nucleus_invoice_id | Create/Update invoice payment in Nucleus for a given nucleus_invoice_id |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | create_or_update_invoices | GET /accounting/invoice | Update/Create all invoices in Nucleus for a given nucleus_client_id |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | delete_accounting_vendor_access_config_is_active_by_id | DELETE /accounting/vendor/id | Permanently delete relation with particular accounting vendor. |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | get_accounting_stats | GET /accounting/report | Get accounting stats from financial statements at the vendor for the business provided |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | get_accounting_vendor_info_using_client_id | GET /accounting/vendor/nucleus_client_id | Get Accounting Vendor Config |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | update_accounting_vendor_access_config_is_active_by_id | PUT /accounting/vendor/id | Enable/Disable relation with particular accounting vendor. |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | update_customer | GET /accounting/customer/nucleus_customer_id | Update customer in Nucleus for a given nucleus_customer_id |
IntegrationApi::AccountingApi | update_invoice | GET /accounting/invoice/nucleus_invoice_id | Update invoice in Nucleus for a given nucleus_invoice_id |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | create_aggregation_account_using_post | POST /aggregation/account | Create mapping between client,vendor,tenant |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | create_property_value_using_post | POST /property_value | Create mapping between client,vendor,tenant for the property |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | delete_aggregation_account_using_delete | DELETE /aggregation/account/nucleus_aggregation_account_id | De-Link mapping between client,vendor,tenant |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_all_using_get | GET /aggregation/account | Fetch all aggregation account(s) details with the mapping created in POST endpoint for a client |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_balance_all_using_get | GET /aggregation/balance | Fetch all aggregation account balance details with for the given aggregation accounts |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_balance_using_get | GET /aggregation/balance/nucleus_aggregation_account_id | Fetch aggregation account balance details with the mapping created in POST endpoint |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_holding_all_using_get | GET /aggregation/holding | Fetch all aggregation account(s) holding details with the mapping created in POST endpoint |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_holding_using_get | GET /aggregation/holding/nucleus_aggregation_account_id | Fetch aggregation account holding details with the mapping created in POST endpoint |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_transaction_all_using_get | GET /aggregation/transaction | Fetch all aggregation account balance details with for the given aggregation accounts |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_transaction_using_get | GET /aggregation/transaction/nucleus_aggregation_account_id | Fetch aggregation account transaction details with the mapping created in POST endpoint |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_aggregation_account_using_get | GET /aggregation/account/nucleus_aggregation_account_id | Fetch aggregation account details with the mapping created in POST endpoint |
IntegrationApi::AggregationApi | get_property_value | GET /property_value | Get Value of the given property |
IntegrationApi::AsyncApi | get_async_data | GET /async/integration_type/service | Create async transaction for GET endpoints for bulk data |
IntegrationApi::AsyncApi | get_async_data1 | GET /async/integration_type/service/id | Create async transaction for GET endpoints for bulk data |
IntegrationApi::AsyncApi | get_async_data2 | POST /async/integration_type/service | Create async transaction for POST endpoints for bulk data |
IntegrationApi::AsyncApi | get_async_status | GET /async/status/id | Get Status of async transaction created through GET/POST endpoints |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | create_baas_account_using_post | POST /baas/account | create a Baas account |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | create_baas_business_using_post | POST /baas/business | Create a Baas Business |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | create_baas_client_using_post | POST /baas/client | Create a Baas Client |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | create_baas_sub_account_using_post | POST /baas/subaccount | create a Baas subaccount |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | get_baas_account_statement_using_get | GET /baas/statement/nucleus_account_id | Get a Baas account statement |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | get_baas_portfolio_balance_using_get | GET /baas/balance/nucleus_portfolio_id | Get a Baas portfolio balance |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | get_baas_portfolio_transaction_using_get | GET /baas/transaction/nucleus_portfolio_id | Get a Baas portfolio transaction |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | update_baas_business_using_put | PUT /baas/business/nucleus_business_id | Update a Baas business |
IntegrationApi::BaasApi | update_baas_client_using_put | PUT /baas/client/nucleus_client_id | Update a Baas client |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | cancel_order_using_put | PUT /brokerage/order/nucleus_order_id | Cancel an Order |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | create_bank_link_using_post1 | POST /brokerage/bank_link | create a Bank Link |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | create_brokerage_account_using_post | POST /brokerage/account | create a Brokerage account |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | create_brokerage_client_using_post | POST /brokerage/client | Create a Brokerage Client |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | create_deposit_using_post | POST /brokerage/deposit | Create a deposit |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | create_document_using_post | POST /brokerage/document | Create a Brokerage document |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | create_order_using_post | POST /brokerage/order | Create an Order |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | create_withdrawal_using_post | POST /brokerage/withdrawal | Create a withdrawal |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | delete_bank_link_using_delete1 | DELETE /brokerage/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Delete a Bank Link |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_balance_using_get1 | GET /brokerage/balance/nucleus_portfolio_id | Get account balance |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_bank_link_using_get1 | GET /brokerage/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Get a Bank Link |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_brokerage_account_statement_using_get | GET /brokerage/statement/nucleus_account_id | Get a Brokerage account statement |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_document_using_get | GET /brokerage/document/nucleus_document_id | Get a Brokerage document |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_holding_performance_using_get | GET /brokerage/holding/performance/nucleus_portfolio_id | Get portfolio holding performance |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_holding_using_get | GET /brokerage/holding/nucleus_portfolio_id | Get portfolio holdings |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_order_using_get | GET /brokerage/order/nucleus_order_id | Get an Order |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_securities_using_get | GET /brokerage/securities | Get securities information |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | get_transactions_using_get | GET /brokerage/transaction/nucleus_portfolio_id | Get account transactions |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | update_bank_link_using_put1 | PUT /brokerage/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Update a Bank Link |
IntegrationApi::BrokerageApi | update_brokerage_client_using_put | PUT /brokerage/client | Update a Brokerage client |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_auto_reload_using_post | POST /card/auto_reload | Card auto reload |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_activate_using_post | POST /card/activate | Activate card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_business_using_post | POST /card/business | Create a card business |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_close_using_post | POST /card/close | close a card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_issue_using_post | POST /card/issue | issue a card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_load_using_post | POST /card/load | Create a card load |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_pin_using_post | POST /card/pin | pin card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_reactivate_using_post | POST /card/reactivate | reactivate card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_reissue_using_post | POST /card/reissue | Reissue a card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_replace_using_post | POST /card/replace | Create card replace |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_spending_control_using_post | POST /card/spending_control | Create card spending control |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_suspend_using_post | POST /card/suspend | suspend card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_token_using_post | POST /card/token | token card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_card_unload_using_post | POST /card/unload | Create a card upload |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | create_client_card_using_post | POST /card/client | Create a card client |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_balance_using_get | GET /card/balance/id | Get a Card Balance |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_image | GET /card/image/card_id | Get card image |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_pci_details | GET /card/pci_details/card_id | Get card pci details |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_reserve_account_details_using_get | GET /card/reserve | Card reserve account |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_statement_using_get | GET /card/statement/card_id | Get card statement |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_token_using_token | GET /card/token/id | Get a card token |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_transaction_using_get | GET /card/transaction/id | Get a card transaction |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | get_card_using_get | GET /card/id | Get a card information |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | update_card_business_using_put | PUT /card/business/nucleus_business_id | Update a card business |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | update_card_pin_using_post | PUT /card/pin/id | update a pin card |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | update_card_spending_control_using_put | PUT /card/spending_control/nucleus_spending_control_id | Update a card spending control |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | update_card_using_put | PUT /card/id | Update a card information |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | update_client_card_using_put | PUT /card/client/id | Update a card client |
IntegrationApi::CardApi | verify_card_pin_using_post | POST /card/pin/verify | verify card pin |
IntegrationApi::IAVApi | create_iav_using_post | POST /iav | Instant Account Verification of an account. |
IntegrationApi::IAVApi | get_iav_using_get | GET /iav/nucleus_bank_link_id | Get verified account based on id. |
IntegrationApi::KMSApi | create_kms_using_post | POST /kms | Create an secret key |
IntegrationApi::KMSApi | delete_kms_using_delete | DELETE /kms/kms_id | Delete an secret key value |
IntegrationApi::KMSApi | get_kms_all_using_get | GET /kms | List all KMS Clients |
IntegrationApi::KMSApi | get_kms_using_get | GET /kms/kms_id | Retrieve an secret key value |
IntegrationApi::KMSApi | update_kms_using_put | PUT /kms/kms_id | Update an Key Value |
IntegrationApi::KYCApi | create_kyc_using_post | POST /kyc | Do kyc for the client. |
IntegrationApi::KYCApi | get_kyc_status_using_get | GET /kyc_status | Fetch kyc_status for the given nucleus_client_id |
IntegrationApi::MarketDataApi | create_market_data_historical_using_post | POST /market_data/historical | Create historical market data |
IntegrationApi::MarketDataApi | create_market_data_quote_using_post | POST /market_data/quote | Create quote market data |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | cancel_rtp_transfer_using_delete | DELETE /rtp/nucleus_funding_id | Cancel the RTP transfer |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | create_bank_link_using_post2 | POST /rtp/bank_link | Create bank link |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | delete_bank_link_using_delete2 | DELETE /rtp/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Delete bank link |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | get_bank_link_using_get2 | GET /rtp/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Get bank link |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | get_client_bank_links_using_get1 | GET /rtp/bank_link/client/nucleus_client_id | Get client bank links |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | get_list_of_rtp_transfers_using_get | GET /rtp/client/nucleus_client_id | Get a list of Rtp transfers |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | get_rtp_transfer_using_get | GET /rtp/nucleus_funding_id | Get the RTP transfer |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | submit_rtp_transfer_using_post | POST /rtp | Submit a RTP transfer |
IntegrationApi::RTPApi | update_bank_link_using_put2 | PUT /rtp/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Update bank link |
IntegrationApi::SMSApi | get_vendor_call_limit | GET /sms/status/sms_id | Fetch details for corresponding sms_id |
IntegrationApi::SMSApi | send_mail | POST /sms | Send SMS to recipient |
IntegrationApi::SMTPApi | get_email_details | GET /smtp/status/email_id | Fetch details for corresponding email_id |
IntegrationApi::SMTPApi | send_mail1 | POST /smtp | Send Mail to recipient |
IntegrationApi::UtilsApi | create_token_exchange_using_post | POST /token_exchange | Retrieve token based on certain vendor specific value |
IntegrationApi::UtilsApi | create_user_using_post | POST /user | Create user in vendor |
IntegrationApi::UtilsApi | get_audit_log_all_using_get | GET /audit_log | Gel all audit log |
IntegrationApi::UtilsApi | get_widget_link_using_get | GET /widget_link/nucleus_client_id | Retrieve widget link |
IntegrationApi::WebhookApi | create_webhook_using_post | POST /webhook | Create a webhook |
IntegrationApi::WebhookApi | delete_webhook_using_delete | DELETE /webhook/webhook_id | Delete a webhook |
IntegrationApi::WebhookApi | get_webhook_all_using_get | GET /webhook | List all webhooks |
IntegrationApi::WebhookApi | get_webhook_using_get | GET /webhook/webhook_id | Retrieve a webhook |
IntegrationApi::WebhookApi | update_webhook_using_put | PUT /webhook/webhook_id | Update a webhook |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | cancel_wire_transfer_using_delete | DELETE /wire/nucleus_funding_id | Cancel the Wire transfer |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | create_bank_link_using_post3 | POST /wire/bank_link | Create bank link |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | delete_bank_link_using_delete3 | DELETE /wire/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Delete bank link |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | get_bank_link_using_get3 | GET /wire/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Get bank link |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | get_client_bank_links_using_get2 | GET /wire/bank_link/client/nucleus_client_id | Get client bank links |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | get_list_of_wire_transfers_using_get | GET /wire/client/nucleus_client_id | Get a list of Wire transfers |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | get_wire_transfer_using_get | GET /wire/nucleus_funding_id | Get the Wire transfer |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | submit_wire_transfer_using_post | POST /wire | Submit a Wire transfer |
IntegrationApi::WireApi | update_bank_link_using_put3 | PUT /wire/bank_link/nucleus_bank_link_id | Update bank link |
Documentation for Models
- IntegrationApi::AccountingCustomerResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AccountingCustomerRevenueResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AccountingFinalResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AccountingInvoicePaymentResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AccountingInvoiceResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AccountingStatsResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AchBalanceResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AchBankLinkRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::AchBankLinkResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AchBusinessRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::AchBusinessResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AchCardLinkRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::AchCardLinkResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AchClientRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::AchClientResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AchTransferRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::AchTransferResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::Acquiree
- IntegrationApi::Acquirer
- IntegrationApi::Address
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccount
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountBalance
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountBalanceResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountHolding
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountHoldingResponseInternalObjectVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountHoldingResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountResponseInternalObjectVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountTransaction
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountTransactionResponseInternalObjectVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountTransactionResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationAccountsResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::AggregationRequestObject
- IntegrationApi::AggregationVendorRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::ApplePayload
- IntegrationApi::AsyncTransaction
- IntegrationApi::AsyncTransactionVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasAccountCO
- IntegrationApi::BaasAccountVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasBalanceVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasBusinessVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasClientVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasStatementVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasStatementsVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasSubAccountCO
- IntegrationApi::BaasSubAccountVO
- IntegrationApi::BaasTransactionsVO
- IntegrationApi::BankCredit
- IntegrationApi::BankLink
- IntegrationApi::BankLinkResponseInternalObjectVO
- IntegrationApi::BankLinkVendorDataVO
- IntegrationApi::BaseResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageAccountCO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageAccountVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageBalanceVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageBankLinkCO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageBankLinkVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageClientCO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageCreateClientVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageDepositCO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageDepositVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageDocumentCO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageDocumentVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageHoldingVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageOrderCO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageOrderVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokeragePerformanceVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageSecuritiesVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageStatementVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageTransactionVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageUpdateClientVO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageWithdrawalCO
- IntegrationApi::BrokerageWithdrawalVO
- IntegrationApi::BusinessAddress
- IntegrationApi::BusinessVendorRequestDataVO
- IntegrationApi::CardAutoReloadRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardAutoReloadResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardBalanceResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardBaseRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardBusinessRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardClientRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardLoadRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardLoadUnloadResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardPinRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardReplaceResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardReserveAccountResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardSpendingControlRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardSpendingControlResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardTokenRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardTokenResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardTransactionResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CardUnloadRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::CardUpdatePinRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::Cash
- IntegrationApi::ClientAddress
- IntegrationApi::ClientVendorRequestDataVO
- IntegrationApi::CreateBaasBusinessCO
- IntegrationApi::CreateBaasClientCO
- IntegrationApi::CreateBusinessResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CreateCardClientResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::CreateUserRequest
- IntegrationApi::Customer
- IntegrationApi::CustomerAddress
- IntegrationApi::CustomerRevenue
- IntegrationApi::Dividend
- IntegrationApi::DividendTax
- IntegrationApi::Email
- IntegrationApi::EmailClick
- IntegrationApi::EmailOpen
- IntegrationApi::ExchangePublicTokenVO
- IntegrationApi::ExchangeTokenCO
- IntegrationApi::FinancialStatement
- IntegrationApi::GetCardImageResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::GetCardPciDetailsResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::GetCardStatementResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::GetCardTokenResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::GetTransactionsResponse
- IntegrationApi::GooglePayload
- IntegrationApi::IavAggregationResponseVo
- IntegrationApi::IavBankLinkResponseVo
- IntegrationApi::IavRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::IavResponseVo
- IntegrationApi::IavTokenExchangeVendorResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::IavVendorRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::Identification
- IntegrationApi::Instrument
- IntegrationApi::Investment
- IntegrationApi::Invoice
- IntegrationApi::InvoicePayment
- IntegrationApi::JsonNode
- IntegrationApi::KmsConfig
- IntegrationApi::KycRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::KycResponseVo
- IntegrationApi::KycVendorRequestDataVO
- IntegrationApi::LineItems
- IntegrationApi::Location
- IntegrationApi::Mapstringobject
- IntegrationApi::MdHistoryItemVO
- IntegrationApi::MdHistoryRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::MdHistoryResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::MdQuoteItemVO
- IntegrationApi::MdQuoteRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::MdQuoteResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::MergerAcquisition
- IntegrationApi::NucleusTransferFieldsCO
- IntegrationApi::Ownership
- IntegrationApi::PageAchTransferResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::PageKmsConfig
- IntegrationApi::PageWebhook
- IntegrationApi::Pageobject
- IntegrationApi::PoliticallyExposedPersonDTO
- IntegrationApi::PortfolioAssetSizeLog
- IntegrationApi::PropertyValueResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::ResponseEntity
- IntegrationApi::RtpBankLinkRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::RtpBankLinkResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::RtpTransferRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::RtpTransferResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::SMS
- IntegrationApi::SMSResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::SMSVO
- IntegrationApi::SamsungPayload
- IntegrationApi::SmtpResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::SmtpVO
- IntegrationApi::Sort
- IntegrationApi::SpendingControlVendorRequestDataVO
- IntegrationApi::Stat
- IntegrationApi::Transaction
- IntegrationApi::UpdateBaasBusinessCO
- IntegrationApi::UpdateBaasClientCO
- IntegrationApi::UpdateBusinessResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::UpdateCardClientResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::UserResponseInterface
- IntegrationApi::UserResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::VendorAccessConfigVO
- IntegrationApi::Webhook
- IntegrationApi::WidgetUrlVO
- IntegrationApi::WireBankLinkRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::WireBankLinkResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::WireTransferRequestCO
- IntegrationApi::WireTransferResponseVO
- IntegrationApi::ZillowPropertyVendorResponseVO
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes: N/A