Iodine - a C kqueue/epoll EventMachine alternative (pre-release)

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Iodine 0.2.0 (pre-release) makes writing Object Oriented Network Services easy to write.

Iodine is an evented framework with a simple API that builds off a low level C code library with support for epoll and kqueue - this means that:

  • Iodine can handle thousands of concurrent connections (tested with 20K connections).

    That's right, Iodine isn't subject to the 1024 connection limit imposed by native Ruby and select/poll based applications.

    This makes Iodine ideal for writing HTTP/2 and Websocket servers (which is what started this whole thing).

  • Iodine supports only Linux/Unix based systems (i.e. OS X, Ubuntu, FreeBSD etc'). This allows us to:

    • Optimize our code for the production environment.
    • Have our testing and development machines behave the same as our ultimate production environment.
    • Catch any issues (read: bugs) while in development - just ask AT&T about how important this is ;-)

Iodine is a C extension for Ruby, developed for Ruby MRI 2.2.2 and up... it should support the whole Ruby 2.0 family, but Rack requires Ruby 2.2.2, and so Iodine matches this requirement.

Iodine::Rack - an HTTP and Websockets server

Iodine includes a light and fast HTTP and Websocket server written in C that was written according to the Rack interface specifications.

Running the web server

Using the Iodine server is easy, simply add Iodine as a gem to your Rack application:

# notice that the `git` is required since Iodine 2.0 hadn't been released just yet.
gem 'iodine', :git => ''

To get the most out of Iodine, consider the amount of CPU cores available and the concurrency level the application requires.

Puma's model of 16 threads and 4 processes is easily adopted and proved to provide a good enough balance for most use-cases. Use:

bundler exec iodine -p $PORT -t 16 - w 4

Static file serving support

Iodine supports static file serving that allows the server to serve static files directly, with no Ruby layer (all from C-land).

This means that Iodine won't lock Ruby's GVL when sending static files (nor log these requests). The files will be sent directly, allowing for true native concurrency.

To setup native static file service, setup the public folder's address before starting the server.

This can be done when starting the server from the command line:

bundler exec iodine -p $PORT -t 16 - w 4 -www /my/public/folder

Or by adding a single line to the application. i.e. (a example):

require 'iodine'
Iodine::Rack.public = '/my/public/folder'
out = [404, {"Content-Length" => "10".freeze}.freeze, ["Not Found.".freeze].freeze].freeze
app = { out }
run app

Special HTTP Upgrade support

Iodine's HTTP server includes special support for the Upgrade directive using Rack's env Hash, allowing the application to focus on services and data while Iodine takes care of the network layer.

Upgrading an HTTP connection can be performed either using Iodine's Websocket Protocol support with env['upgrade.websocket'] or by implementing your own protocol directly over the TCP/IP layer - be it a websocket flavor or something completely different - using env['upgrade.tcp'].


When an HTTP Upgrade request is received, Iodine will set the Rack Hash's upgrade property to true, so that: env[upgrade.websocket?] == true

To "upgrade" the HTTP request to the Websockets protocol, simply provide Iodine with a Websocket Callback Object instance or class: env['upgrade.websocket'] = MyWebsocketClass or env['upgrade.websocket'] =

Iodine will adopt the object, providing it with network functionality (methods such as write, each, defer and close will become available) and invoke it's callbacks on network events.

Here is a simple example we can run in the terminal (irb) or easily paste into a file:

require 'iodine'
class WebsocketEcho
  def on_message data
    write data
end do |env|
  if env['upgrade.websocket?'.freeze] && env["HTTP_UPGRADE".freeze] =~ /websocket/i.freeze
    env['iodine.websocket'.freeze] = WebsocketEcho # or:
    [100,{}, []] # It's possible to set cookies for the response.
    [200, {"Content-Length" => "12"}, ["Welcome Home"] ]

TCP/IP (raw) sockets

Upgrading to a custom protocol (i.e., in order to implement your own Websocket protocol with special extensions) is performed almost the ame way, using env['upgrade.tcp']. In the following (terminal) example, we'll use an echo server without (direct socket echo):

require 'iodine'
class MyProtocol
  def on_message data
    # regular socket echo - NOT websockets - notice the upgrade code
    write data
end = do |env|
  if env['upgrade.tcp?'.freeze] && env["HTTP_UPGRADE".freeze] =~ /echo/i.freeze
    env['upgrade.tcp'.freeze] = MyProtocol
    # no HTTP response will be sent when the status code is 0 (or less).
    # to upgrade AFTER a response, set a valid response status code.
    [1000,{}, []]
    [200, {"Content-Length" => "12"}, ["Welcome Home"] ]

A few notes

This design has a number of benefits, some of them related to better IO handling, resource optimization (no need for two IO polling systems) etc'. This also allows us to use middleware without interfering with connection upgrades and provides up with backwards compatibility.

Iodine::Rack imposes a few restrictions for performance and security reasons, such as that the headers (both sending and receiving) must be less then 8Kb in size. These restrictions shouldn't be an issue and are similar to limitations imposed by Apache.

Here's a small HTTP and Websocket broadcast server with Iodine::Rack, which can be used directly from irb:

require 'iodine'

# Our server controller and websockets handler
class My_Broadcast

  # handle HTTP requests (a class callback, emulating a Proc)
  def env
    if env["HTTP_UPGRADE".freeze] =~ /websocket/i.freeze
      env['upgrade.websocket'.freeze] =
      [0,{}, []]
    [200, {"Content-Length" => "12".freeze}, ["Hello World!".freeze]]

  def initialize env
    @env = env # allows us to access the HTTP request data during the Websocket session

  # handles websocket data (an instance  callback)
  def on_message data
    # data is the direct buffer and will be recycled once we leave this scope.
    # we'll copy it to prevent corruption when broadcasting the data asynchronously.
    data_copy = data.dup
    # We'll broadcast the data asynchronously to all open websocket connections.
    each {|ws| ws.write data_copy } # (limited to current process)
    close if data =~ /^bye[\r\n]/i

# static file serving is as easy as (also supports simple byte serving):
Iodine::Rack.public = "www/public"

# start the server while setting the app at the same time My_Broadcast

Of course, if you still want to use Rack's hijack API, Iodine will support you - but be aware that you will need to implement your own reactor and thread pool for any sockets you hijack, as well as a socket buffer for non-blocking write operations (why do that when you can write a protocol object and have the main reactor manage the socket?).

How does it compare to other servers?

Since the HTTP and Websocket parsers are written in C (with no RegExp), they're fairly fast.

Also, Iodine's core and parsers are running outside of Ruby's global lock, meaning that they enjoy true concurrency before entering the Ruby layer (your application) - this offers Iodine a big advantage over other servers.

Another assumption Iodine makes is that it is behind a load balancer / proxy (which is the normal way Ruby applications are deployed) - this allows Iodine to disregard header validity checks (we're not checking for invalid characters) which speeds up the parsing process even more.

I'm not posting any data because Iodine is still under development and things are somewhat dynamic - but you can compare the performance for yourself using wrk or ab:

$ wrk -c200 -d4 -t12 http://localhost:3000/
# or
$ ab -n 100000 -c 200 -k

Create a simple file with a hello world app:

App = do |env|
     {   "Content-Type" => "text/html".freeze,
         "Content-Length" => "16".freeze },
     ['Hello from Rack!'.freeze]  ]

run App

Then start comparing servers:

$ rackup -p 3000 -E production -s iodine


$ rackup -p 3000 -E production -s <Other_Server_Here>

Puma has ~16 threads by default, so when comparing against Puma, consider using an equal number of threads:

# (t - threads, w - worker processes)
$ RACK_ENV=production iodine -p 3000 -t 16 -w 4


# (t - threads, w - worker processes)
$ RACK_ENV=production puma -p 3000 -w 4 -q

Review the iodine -? help for more data.

Remember to compare the memory footprint after running some requests - it's not just speed that C is helping with, it's also memory management and object pooling (i.e., Iodine uses a buffer packet pool management).

Can I try before before I buy?

Well, it is free and open source, no need to buy.. and of course you can try it out.

It's installable just like any other gem on MRI, run:

$ gem install iodine

If building the native C extension fails, please notice that some Ruby installations, such as on Ubuntu, require that you separately install the development headers (ruby.h and friends). I have no idea why they do that, as you will need the development headers for any native gems you want to install - so hurry up and get it.

If you have the development headers but still can't compile the Iodine extension, open an issue with any messages you're getting and I be happy to look into it.

Mr. Sandman, write me a server

Girls love flowers, or so my ex used to keep telling me... but I think code is the way to really show that something is hot!

I mean, look at this short and sweet echo server - No HTTP, just use telnet... but it's so elegant I could cry:

require 'iodine'

# an echo protocol with asynchronous notifications.
class EchoProtocol
  # `on_message` is an optional alternative to the `on_data` callback.
  # `on_message` has a 1Kb buffer that recycles itself for memory optimization.
  def on_message buffer
    # writing will never block and will use a buffer written in C when needed.
    write buffer
    # close will be performed only once all the data in the write buffer
    # was sent. use `force_close` to close early.
    close if buffer =~ /^bye[\r\n]/i
    # use buffer.dup to save the data from being recycled once we return.
    data = buffer.dup
    # run asynchronous tasks with ease
    run do
      sleep 1
      puts "Echoed data: #{data}"

# listen on port 3000 for the echo protocol.
Iodine.listen 3000, EchoProtocol
Iodine.threads = 1
Iodine.processes = 1

I loved Iodine 0.1.x - is this an upgrade?

This is not an upgrade, this is a full rewrite.

Iodine 0.1.x was written in Ruby and had tons of bells and whistles and a somewhat different API. It also inherited the limit of 1024 concurrent connections.

Iodine 0.2.x is written in C, doesn't have as many bells and whistles (i.e., no Websocket Client) and has a stripped down API (simpler to learn). The connection limit is calculated on startup, according to the system's limits. Connection overflows are terminated with an optional busy message, so the system won't crash.

Why not EventMachine?

You can go ahead and use EventMachine if you like. They're doing amazing work on that one and it's been used a lot in Ruby-land... really, tons of good developers and people on that project, I'm sure...

But me, I prefer to make sure my development software runs the exact same code as my production software. So here we are.

Also, I don't really understand all the minute details of EventMachine's API, it kept crashing my system every time I reached ~1024 active connections... I'm sure I just don't know how to use EventMachine, but that's just that.

Besides, you're here - why not take Iodine out for a spin and see for yourself?

Can I contribute?

Yes, please, here are some thoughts:

  • I'm really not good at writing automated tests and benchmarks, any help would be appreciated. I keep testing manually and that's less then ideal (and it's mistake prone).

  • If we can write a Java wrapper for the C libraries, it would be nice... but it could be as big a project as the whole gem, as a lot of minor details are implemented within the bridge between these two languages.

  • Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

  • If you love the project or thought the code was nice, maybe helped you in your own project, drop me a line. I'd love to know.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

"I'm also writing a Ruby extension in C"

Really?! That's great!

We could all use some more documentation around the subject and having an eco-system for extension tidbits would be nice.

Here's a few things you can use from this project and they seem to be handy to have (and easy to port):

  • Iodine is using a Registry to keep dynamic Ruby objects that are owned by C-land from being collected by the garbage collector in Ruby-land...

    Some people use global Ruby arrays, adding and removing Ruby objects to the array, but that sounds like a performance hog to me.

    This one is a simple binary tree with a Ruby GC callback. Remember to initialize the Registry (Registry.init(owner)) so it's "owned" by some Roby-land object, this allows it to bridge the two worlds for the GC's mark and sweep.

    I'm attaching it to one of Iodine's library classes, just in-case someone adopts my code and decides the registry should be owned by the global Object class.

  • I was using a POSIX thread pool library (libasync.h) until I realized how many issues Ruby has with non-Ruby threads... So now there's a Ruby-thread port for this library at (rb-libasync.h).

    Notice that all the new threads are free from the GVL - this allows true concurrency... but, you can't make Ruby API calls in that state.

    To perform Ruby API calls you need to re-enter the global lock (GVL), albeit temporarily, using rb_thread_call_with_gvl and rv_protect (gotta watch out from Ruby longjmp exceptions).

  • Since I needed to call Ruby methods while multi-threading and running outside the GVL, I wrote RubyCaller which let's me call an object's method and wraps all the rb_thread_call_with_gvl and rb_protect details in a secret hidden place I never have to see again. It also keeps track of the thread's state, so if we're already within the GVL, we won't enter it "twice" (which will crash Ruby sporadically).

These are nice code snippets that can be easily used in other extensions. They're easy enough to write, I guess, but I already did the legwork, so enjoy.