Class: IronBank::Resources::TaxationItem

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A taxation item represents the tax amount associated with a single invoice item.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from IronBank::Resource


Method Summary

Methods inherited from IronBank::Resource

#==, #id, #initialize, #inspect, object_name, #reload, #remove_instance_vars, with_cache, with_local_records

Methods included from Associations::ClassMethods

#with_many, #with_one

Methods included from Metadata

#excluded_fields, #fields, #query_custom_fields, #query_fields, #reset, #schema, #single_resource_query_fields, #with_schema

Methods included from Queryable

#all, #find, #find_each, #first, #where

Methods included from Associations


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from IronBank::Resource