601 => "Authentication Failed",
602 => "Parse Error",
603 => "Invalid Category",
604 => "SMS message size is greater than 160 chars",
605 => "Recipient Overflow",
606 => "Invalid Recipient",
607 => "No Recipient",
608 => "MultiModem iSMS is busy, can't accept this request",
609 => "Timeout waiting for a TCP API request",
610 => "Unknown Action Trigger",
611 => "Error in broadcast trigger",
612 => "System Error - Memory Allocation Failure",
613 => "Invalid Modem Index",
614 => "Invalid device model number",
615 => "Invalid Encoding type",
616 => "Invalid Time/Date Input",
617 => "Invalid Count Input",
618 => "Service Not Available",
619 => "Invalid Addressee",
620 => "Invalid Priority value",
621 => "Invalid SMS text"
0 => "Done",
1 => "Done with error - one or more recipients were not able to receive the message",
2 => "In progress",
3 => "Request received",
4 => "Error",
5 => "Message ID not found",
6 => "Distributed to slave",
7 => "Distribution resulted in error",
8 => "Distributed among many slaves",
9 => "API request cancelled"