IsoBib is a Ruby gem that implements the IsoBibliographicItem model.
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'iso-bib-item'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install iso-bib-item
Create ISO bibliographic item
item =
docid: { project_number: "19115", part_number: "1" },
edition: "1",
language: ["en", "fr"],
script: ["Latn"],
titles: [
title_intro: "Geographic information",
title_main: "Metadata",
title_part: "Part 1: Fundamentals",
language: "en", script: "Latn"
title_intro: "Information géographique",
title_main: "Métadonnées",
title_part: "Partie 1: Principes de base",
language: "fr", script: "Latn"
type: "international-standard",
docstatus: { status: "Published", stage: "60", substage: "60" },
ics: [{ field: "35", group: "240", subgroup: "70" }],
dates: [{ type: "published", on: "2014-04" }],
contributors: [{ entity: {
name: "International Organization for Standardization",
url: "", abbreviation: "ISO"
}, roles: ["publisher"]}],
workgroup: {
name: "International Organization for Standardization",
abbreviation: "ISO",
url: "",
technical_committee: {
name: "ISO/TC 211Geographic information/Geomatics",
type: "technicalCommittee", number: 211
abstract: [
content: "ISO 19115-1:2014 defines the schema required for describing geographic information and services by means of metadata. It provides information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal aspects, the content, the spatial reference, the portrayal, distribution, and other properties of digital geographic data and services.ISO 19115-1:2014 is applicable to:-the cataloguing of all types of resources, clearinghouse activities, and the full description of datasets and services;-geographic services, geographic datasets, dataset series, and individual geographic features and feature properties.ISO 19115-1:2014 defines:-mandatory and conditional metadata sections, metadata entities, and metadata elements;-the minimum set of metadata required to serve most metadata applications (data discovery, determining data fitness for use, data access, data transfer, and use of digital data and services);-optional metadata elements to allow for a more extensive standard description of resources, if required;-a method for extending metadata to fit specialized needs.Though ISO 19115-1:2014 is applicable to digital data and services, its principles can be extended to many other types of resources such as maps, charts, and textual documents as well as non-geographic data. Certain conditional metadata elements might not apply to these other forms of data.",
language: "en", script: "Latn"
content: "L'ISO 19115-1:2014 définit le schéma requis pour décrire des informations géographiques et des services au moyen de métadonnées. Elle fournit des informations concernant l'identification, l'étendue, la qualité, les aspects spatiaux et temporels, le contenu, la référence spatiale, la représentation des données, la distribution et d'autres propriétés des données géographiques numériques et des services.L'ISO 19115-1:2014 est applicable:-au catalogage de tous les types de ressources, des activités des centres d'informations et à la description complète des jeux de données et des services,-aux services géographiques, jeux de données géographiques, séries de jeux de données, entités géographiques individuelles et propriétés d'entités.L'ISO 19115-1:2014 définit:-des sections relatives aux métadonnées obligatoires et facultatives, aux entités de métadonnées et aux éléments de métadonnées,-le jeu minimal de métadonnées requis pour répondre au besoin de la plupart des applications des métadonnées (la découverte des données, la détermination de l'adéquation des données à une utilisation, l'accès aux données, le transfert des données et l'utilisation des données numériques et des services),-les éléments de métadonnées facultatifs pour permettre une description standard plus poussée des ressources, si cela est nécessaire,-un procédé d'extension des métadonnées pour s'adapter aux besoins spéciaux.L'ISO 19115-1:2014 est applicable aux données numériques et services, ses principes peuvent être étendus à bien d'autres types de ressources telles que les cartes, les graphes et les documents textes, de même qu'à des données non géographiques. Certains éléments de métadonnées conditionnels peuvent ne pas s'appliquer à ces autres formes de données.",
language: "fr", script: "Latn"
copyright: { owner: { name: "ISO" }, from: "2014" },
link: [
{ type: "src", content: "" },
{ type: "obp", content: "!iso:std:53798:en" },
{ type: "rss", content: "" }
relations: [
{ type: "obsoletes", identifier: "ISO 19115:2003", url: "/standard/26020.html" },
{ type: "obsoletes", identifier: "ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006", url: "/standard/44361.html" },
{ type: "updates", identifier: "ISO 19115-1:2014/Amd 1:2018", url: "/standard/73118.html" }
IsoBibliographicItem Localized Strings
@title_intro="Geographic information",
@title_part="Part 1: Fundamentals">,
@title_intro="Information géographique",
@title_part="Partie 1: Principes de base">]
item.title(lang: "en")
=> <IsoBibItem::IsoLocalizedTitle:0x007fd1d92e2b30
@title_intro="Geographic information",
@title_part="Part 1: Fundamentals">
item.title(lang: "en").to_s
=> "Geographic information -- Metadata -- Part 1: Fundamentals"
item.abstract(lang: "en").to_s
=> "ISO 19115-1:2014 defines the schema required for describing geographic information and services by means of metadata. It provides information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal aspects, the content, the spatial reference, the portrayal, distribution, and other properties of digital geographic data and services.
IsoBibliographicItem references
=> "ISO 19115-1:2014"
IsoBibliographicItem URLs
=> ""
=> "!iso:std:53798:en"
=> ""
IsoBibliographicItem ICS
@description="IT applications in science",
@description_full="Information technology. Applications of information technology. IT applications in science.",
@notes=[#<Isoics::Note:0x007fd1d9232f28 @ics_code=nil, @text="Including digital geographic information">],
IsoBibliographicItem BibliographicDates
=> [<IsoBibItem::BibliographicDate:0x007fd1d92e33c8 @on=2014-01-04 00:00:00 +0100, @type="published">]
item.dates.filter(type: "published").first.on
=> 2014-01-04 00:00:00 +0100
IsoBibliographicItem DocumentStatus
=> <IsoBibItem::IsoDocumentStatus:0x007f983c3c2658
@status=#<IsoBibItem::LocalizedString:0x007f983c3c2608 @content="Published", @language=[], @script=[]>,
wg = item.workgroup
=> <IsoBibItem::IsoProjectGroup:0x007f983e0d91b0
@abbreviation=#<IsoBibItem::LocalizedString:0x007f983e0d8558 @content="ISO", @language=[], @script=[]>,
@name=#<IsoBibItem::LocalizedString:0x007f983e0d8828 @content="International Organization for Standardization", @language=[], @script=[]>,
@technical_committe=#<IsoBibItem::IsoSubgroup:0x007f983e0d8148 @name="ISO/TC 211Geographic information/Geomatics", @number=211, @type="technicalCommittee">,
=> <URI::Generic>
Document relations of a standard
=> [<IsoBibItem::DocumentRelation:0x007f983c3c2a18 @bib_locality=[], @identifier="ISO 19115:2003", @type="obsoletes", @url="/standard/26020.html">,
<IsoBibItem::DocumentRelation:0x007f983c3c2950 @bib_locality=[], @identifier="ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006", @type="obsoletes", @url="/standard/44361.html">,
<IsoBibItem::DocumentRelation:0x007f983c3c28d8 @bib_locality=[], @identifier="ISO 19115-1:2014/Amd 1:2018", @type="updates", @url="/standard/73118.html">]
Reference modification: convert to all parts reference
In ISO, an All Parts reference is a reference to all parts of a standard. If a standard consists of parts, only those parts are referenced in the ISO web site (as retrieved by the isobib gem). A part reference is converted to an All Parts reference by making the part reference a partOf relation to a new reference, which strips the part number and part title of the original, and its abstract. The operation is destructive.
item.title(lang: "en")
=> <IsoBibItem::IsoLocalizedTitle:0x007fd1d92e2b30
@title_intro="Geographic information",
=> "ISO 19115:2014"
=> <IsoBibItem::DocumentRelation:0x00007f94009a2158 @type="partOf", @identifier=nil, @url=nil, @bib_locality=[],
@title_intro="Geographic information",
@title_part="Part 1: Fundamentals",
Reference modification: convert to most recent reference
In ISO, an undated reference is interpreted as a de dicto reference to the most recent instance of the reference; if the document is read after a new version of the reference has been issued, the reference is taken to refer to that new instance, even if that instance had not been published at the time the bibliography was authored. All references on the ISO web site (as retrieved by the isobib gem) are dated. A dated reference is converted to a Most Recent referece by making the dated reference an instance relation to a new reference, which strips the date of publication of the original, and its abstract. The operation is destructive.
=> [#<IsoBibItem::BibliographicDate:0x00007f9994977680 @type="published", @on=2014-01-04 00:00:00 +1100>]
=> "ISO 19115-1"
=> <IsoBibItem::DocumentRelation:0x00007f9a33976a60 @type="instance", @identifier=nil, @url=nil, @bib_locality=[],
@title=[#<IsoBibItem::IsoLocalizedTitle:0x00007f9a3399e650 @title_intro="Geographic information", @title_main="Metadata", @title_part="Part 1: Fundamentals", @language="en", @script="Latn">, #<IsoBibItem::IsoLocalizedTitle:0x00007f9a3399e2e0 @title_intro="Information géographique", @title_main="Métadonnées", @title_part="Partie 1: Principes de base", @language="fr", @script="Latn">],
@docidentifier=#<IsoBibItem::IsoDocumentId:0x00007f9a3399e010 @project_number="19115", @part_number="1">,
@dates=[#<IsoBibItem::BibliographicDate:0x00007f9a3399dd90 @type="published", @on=2014-01-04 00:00:00 +1100>],
XML serialization
=>"<bibitem type='international-standard' id='ISO19115-1'>
<title format='text/plain' language='en' script='Latn'>Geographic information -- Metadata -- Part 1: Fundamentals</title>
<title format='text/plain' language='fr' script='Latn'>Information géographique -- Métadonnées -- Partie 1: Principes de base</title>
<link type='src'></link>
<link type='obp'>!iso:std:53798:en</link>
<link type='rss'></link>
<docidentifier>ISO 19115-1</docidentifier>
<date type='published'>
<role type='publisher'/>
<name>International Organization for Standardization</name>
<abstract format='plain' language='en' script='Latn'>
ISO 19115-1:2014 defines the schema required for describing geographic
information and services by means of metadata. It provides information about
the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal
aspects, the content, the spatial reference, the portrayal, distribution,
and other properties of digital geographic data and services.ISO
19115-1:2014 is applicable to:-the cataloguing of all types of resources,
clearinghouse activities, and the full description of datasets and
services;-geographic services, geographic datasets, dataset series, and
individual geographic features and feature properties.ISO 19115-1:2014
defines:-mandatory and conditional metadata sections, metadata entities, and
metadata elements;-the minimum set of metadata required to serve most
metadata applications (data discovery, determining data fitness for use,
data access, data transfer, and use of digital data and services);-optional
metadata elements to allow for a more extensive standard description of
resources, if required;-a method for extending metadata to fit specialized
needs.Though ISO 19115-1:2014 is applicable to digital data and services,
its principles can be extended to many other types of resources such as
maps, charts, and textual documents as well as non-geographic data. Certain
conditional metadata elements might not apply to these other forms of data.
<abstract format='plain' language='fr' script='Latn'>
L'ISO 19115-1:2014 définit le schéma requis pour décrire des informations
géographiques et des services au moyen de métadonnées. Elle fournit des
informations concernant l'identification, l'étendue, la qualité, les aspects
spatiaux et temporels, le contenu, la référence spatiale, la représentation
des données, la distribution et d'autres propriétés des données
géographiques numériques et des services.L'ISO 19115-1:2014 est
applicable:-au catalogage de tous les types de ressources, des activités des
centres d'informations et à la description complète des jeux de données et
des services,-aux services géographiques, jeux de données géographiques,
séries de jeux de données, entités géographiques individuelles et propriétés
d'entités.L'ISO 19115-1:2014 définit:-des sections relatives aux métadonnées
obligatoires et facultatives, aux entités de métadonnées et aux éléments de
métadonnées,-le jeu minimal de métadonnées requis pour répondre au besoin de
la plupart des applications des métadonnées (la découverte des données, la
détermination de l'adéquation des données à une utilisation, l'accès aux
données, le transfert des données et l'utilisation des données numériques et
des services),-les éléments de métadonnées facultatifs pour permettre une
description standard plus poussée des ressources, si cela est nécessaire,-un
procédé d'extension des métadonnées pour s'adapter aux besoins
spéciaux.L'ISO 19115-1:2014 est applicable aux données numériques et
services, ses principes peuvent être étendus à bien d'autres types de
ressources telles que les cartes, les graphes et les documents textes, de
même qu'à des données non géographiques. Certains éléments de métadonnées
conditionnels peuvent ne pas s'appliquer à ces autres formes de données.
<relation type='obsoletes'>
<formattedref>ISO 19115:2003</formattedref>
<docidentifier>ISO 19115:2003</docidentifier>
<relation type='obsoletes'>
<formattedref>ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006</formattedref>
<docidentifier>ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006</docidentifier>
<relation type='updates'>
<formattedref>ISO 19115-1:2014/Amd 1:2018</formattedref>
<docidentifier>ISO 19115-1:2014/Amd 1:2018</docidentifier>
<ics>IT applications in science</ics>
The ISO standards use a subset of the generic bibliographic fields specified in the IsoBibliographicItem model:
English; French
titleIntro; titleMain; titlePart
project number; part number; technical committee document number
Source: the ISO page from which the standard may be purchased or downloaded
Type: IsoDocumentType (International Standard, Technical Specification, Technical Report, Publicly Available Specification, International Workshop Agreement, Guide)
Project Group:
Technical Committee, Subcommittee, Workgroup, Secretariat
Technical Committee Number, Subcommittee Number, Workgroup Number
Technical Committee Type, Subcommittee Type, Workgroup Type (e.g. JTC)
Organization:Name (ISO; other standards organisations, for standards jointly published with ISO)
Stage, Substage
Obsoletes, Updates
All FormattedString instances are returned by default as a text/plain string; if required, they are returned as a text/html string.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to [](
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at USERNAME/iso-bib-item.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](