Easily process and sort a directory of files.
Basket.process("orders") do |file|
puts "we are processing #{file}"
Assuming there are number of files in orders/inbox
each file is
‘d toorders/pending
the block is called on each file
the file is
‘d toorders/archive
See Basket#process for a list of all the options.
gem install jashmenn-basket --source
More examples:
The output folder can be conditional based on the output of the block, as in the following example. In this case the default names of the folders are success
and fail
based on the return value of the block being true
or false
You can create arbitrary baskets for the output. If you specify :other
then the files are not mv
‘d automatically. You must call the appropriate bang method on the file. For example:
Baskets has (experimental) built-in support for doing parallel processing using forkoff
. Example: