Jekyll SQLite plugin

A Jekyll generator plugin to lets you use SQLite database instead of data files as a data source. It lets you easily create APIs and websites from a SQLite database, by linking together a database file, your template, and the relevant queries.

It supports site-level queries, per-page queries, and prepared queries that can use existing data (possibly generated via more queries) as parameters.

Continuous Integration Gem Version


Add this line to your site's Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-sqlite'

And then add this line to your site's _config.yml:

  - jekyll_sqlite

:warning: If you are using Jekyll < 3.5.0 use the gems key instead of plugins.


Update your _config.yml to define your data sources with your SQLite database. Please see the test directory for a functional example with the Northwind database.

  - data: customers
    file: *db
    query: SELECT * from Customers

Then, you can use the attributes accordingly:

{{ | jsonify }}

Prepared Queries

This plugin supports prepared queries with parameter binding. This lets you use existing data from a previous query, or some other source (such as* or page.*) as a parameter in your query.

Say you have a YAML file defining your items (data/books.yaml):

- id: 31323952-2708-42dc-a995-6006a23cbf00
  name: Time Travel with a Rubber Band
- id: 5c8e67a0-d490-4743-b5b8-8e67bd1f95a2
  name: The Art of Cache Invalidation

and the prices for the items in your SQLite database, the following configuration will enrich the items array with the price:

- data: items.books
  query: SELECT price, author FROM pricing WHERE id =:id
  db: books.db

This would allow the following Liquid loop to be written:

{% for item in %}
{{item.meta.price}}, {{}}
{% endfor %}

Per Page Queries

The exact same syntax can be used on a per-page basis to generate data within each page. This is helpful for keeping page-specific queries within the page itself. Here's an example:

FeaturedSupplierID: 2
  - data: suppliers
    file: "_db/northwind.db"
    query: "SELECT CompanyName, SupplierID FROM suppliers ORDER BY SupplierID"
  - data: suppliers.products
    # This is a prepared query, where SupplierID is coming from the previous query.
    file: "_db/northwind.db"
    query: "SELECT ProductName, CategoryID,UnitPrice FROM products WHERE SupplierID = :SupplierID"
  # :FeaturedSupplierID is picked up automatically from the page frontmatter.
  - data: FeaturedSupplier
    file: "_db/northwind.db"
    query: "SELECT * SupplierID = :FeaturedSupplierID"

This will generate a page.suppliers array with all the suppliers, and a page.FeaturedSupplier object with the details of the featured supplier.

Each supplier will have a products array with all the products for that supplier.

Generating Pages

It works well with the datapage_gen plugin:

See the datapage_gen docs for more details.

Here's a sample configuration:

    file: _db/reviews.db
    sql: SELECT id, name, last_review_date > 1672531200 as active, address FROM restaurants;
  - data: restaurants
    template: restaurant
    name: id
    title: name
    filter: active

This will automatically generate a file for each restaurant restaurants/#id.html file with the layout _layouts/restaurant.html and,, set and page.title set to restaurant name

Note that the datapage_gen plugin will run after the jekyll-sqlite plugin, if you generate any pages with per-page queries, these queries will not execute.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Jekyll::Sqlite project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.