Module: Jekyll::Webp

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: WebpExec, WebpFile, WebpGenerator

Constant Summary collapse


The default configuration for the Webp generator The values here represent the defaults if nothing is set

  'enabled'   => false,

  # The flags to pass to the webp binary. For a list of valid parameters check here:
  'flags'     => "-q 75",

  # For best lossy compression use
  # 'flags'     => "-q 100 -m 6 -pass 10 -af",

  # For best lossless compression use
  # 'flags'     => "-q 100 -lossless -z 9",

  # List of directories containing images to optimize, Nested directories will not be checked
  'img_dir'   => ["/img"],

  'resize'    => [1024, 512, 256],
  # add ".gif" to the format list to generate webp for animated gifs as well
  'formats'   => [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".tiff"],

  # File extensions for animated gif files
  'gifs'      => [".gif"],

  # Local path to the WebP utilities to use (relative or absolute)
  # Leave as nil to use the cmd line utilities shipped with the gem, override to use your local install
  'webp_path' => nil,

  # List of files or directories to exclude
  # e.g. custom or hand generated webp conversion files
  'exclude'   => [],

  # List of files or directories to explicitly include
  # e.g. single files outside of the main image directories
  'include'   => []