
demo page


  • paginate support
  • tags support
  • mathjax , inluce_code post_link support, include support, link to other post
  • encrytion support. Only those who know the password can view the article

IMPORTANT NOTE ONLY textual contents of article will be encrypted ,the pictures will NOT be encrypted

#### how to encrypt your post 1. generate your own public & private key to protect your password

ltectool g
you will get 
publickey: AAA
privatekey: BBBBB
  2. encrypt your password 
   # ltectool e [your publickey] [your password]
   # like below
   ltectool e Arkuf0hG0sjifj+G57o4gwPgnXXD72kIhjhSGjyyGCdS 123

   # output

you get your encrypted password , then put it in _config.yml

    - tag: encrypt1 
      password: "123"  # plain text ,NOT recommended

    - tag: encrypt2
      # 123
      password: AQAQACAAIQCVKE9YHFT4pzyMa84kqGK+4Olo3EeDlymDa0oZcsQ48j8S4D4fMFb37gUT4LgrxZQDCFLa402i9VhhMIYWXZP+WSsv2Ia+uQpEH5vYKgDR5vL4xXC/76wXl3K7abU7u9du

add JEKYLL_EC_PRIVATEKEY to ENV before you run jekyll build or set JEKYLL_EC_PRIVATEKEY to your CI environment

    #export set JEKYLL_EC_PRIVATEKEY=[Private key]
    export set JEKYLL_EC_PRIVATEKEY="NWWtiQbDnSDvTdogCzAjqNqHGTZrRXdmXQrEKiv3vNs="

for security, I recommend you to use different repos to store your source files and the _site files


If you haven't already created your blog using Jekyll, follow the instructions to do so from Jekyll's documentation.

NOTE: if you are using Jekyll with GitHub Pages, see the GitHub Pages installation section.

Then, to style your blog with this theme, add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-zeta"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-zeta

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-zeta

Customize the menu

edit the theme_config > menu in _config.yml .

here bellow is the default value

    - title: Home
      url: /
    - title: Achive
      url: /archive.html
    - title: Tags
      url: /tags.html
    - title: About
      url: /about.html

### Show all tags create a with content below

title: TAGS
layout: tags
permalink: /tags/index.html

add a entry in the _data/menu.yml

- title: tags
  url: tags