Feature: generated directory layout
In order to start a new gem
A user should be able to
generate a directory layout
Scenario: shared
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem' is created
And a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/lib' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/README.rdoc' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/.document' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/lib/the-perfect-gem.rb' is created
Scenario: bacon
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a bacon project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/spec' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/spec/spec_helper.rb' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/spec/the-perfect-gem_spec.rb' is created
Scenario: minitest
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a minitest project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/test' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/test/helper.rb' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/test/test_the-perfect-gem.rb' is created
Scenario: rspec
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a rspec project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/spec' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/spec/spec_helper.rb' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/spec/the-perfect-gem_spec.rb' is created
Scenario: shoulda
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a shoulda project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/test' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/test/helper.rb' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/test/test_the-perfect-gem.rb' is created
Scenario: testunit
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a testunit project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/test' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/test/helper.rb' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/test/test_the-perfect-gem.rb' is created
Scenario: micronaut
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a micronaut project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/examples' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/examples/example_helper.rb' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/examples/the-perfect-gem_example.rb' is created
Scenario: shindo
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
When I generate a shindo project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/tests' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/tests/tests_helper.rb' is created
And a file named 'the-perfect-gem/tests/the-perfect-gem_tests.rb' is created