Feature: generated Gemfiel
In order to start a new gem
A user should be able to
generate a Gemfile
Given a working directory
And I have configured git sanely
Scenario: disabled
Given I do not want bundler
When I generate a project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a file named 'the-perfect-gemGemfile' is not created
Scenario: enabled
Given I want bundler
When I generate a project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a file named 'the-perfect-gem/Gemfile' is created
Scenario: default
When I generate a project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then a file named 'the-perfect-gem/Gemfile' is created
And 'Gemfile' uses the gemcutter source
And 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'bundler'
And 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on the current version of jeweler
And 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'simplecov'
And 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'rcov'
And 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'rdoc'
And 'Gemfile' does not have a development dependency on 'yard'
Scenario: bacon
When I generate a bacon project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'bacon'
Scenario: minitest
When I generate a minitest project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'minitest'
Scenario: rspec
When I generate a rspec project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'rspec'
Scenario: shoulda
When I generate a shoulda project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'shoulda'
Scenario: micronaut
When I generate a micronaut project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'micronaut'
Scenario: cucumber
Given I want cucumber stories
When I generate a testunit project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'cucumber'
Scenario: reek
Given I want reek
When I generate a testunit project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'reek'
Scenario: roodi
Given I want roodi
When I generate a testunit project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'roodi'
Scenario: rdoc
Given I want to use rdoc instead of yard
When I generate a testunit project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'rdoc'
And 'Gemfile' does not have a development dependency on 'yard'
Scenario: yard
Given I want to use yard instead of rdoc
When I generate a testunit project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'yard'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'rdoc'
Scenario: shindo
When I generate a shindo project named 'the-perfect-gem' that is 'zomg, so good'
Then 'Gemfile' has a development dependency on 'shindo'