JIPE: In-Place Editing Components for Jester

JIPE stands for Jester In-Place Editing. It started out as a replacement for Rails’ built-in in_place_editor helper function using Eric Mill’s Jester library, but is beginning to add additional editing widgets as well.

The upshot of this is that if you have RESTful controllers in your Rails app, then JIPE can very quickly help you set up in-place editing for your RESTful objects.


To begin using JIPE in your project, run:

script/generate jipe

This will copy the JIPE icons into your public/images directory.


To use JIPE, you’ll need to include the Javascripts in your layout:

<%= javascript_include_tag ‘jipe/jester’ %> <%= javascript_include_tag ‘jipe/jipe’ %>

This requires Rails 2.3, since it makes use of the Engines-like features. For older versions of Rails, you will need to either install the Engines plugin, or copy the Javascripts into your public/javascript directory yourself.

You’ll also need to tell Jester how to access your REST resources, like so:

<script type=“text/javascript”> Resource.model(“Post”); </script>

Now that you’ve done that, creating in-place editing fields is easy:

Title: <%= jipe_editor @post, “title” %><br/> <%= jipe_editor @post, “body”, :rows => 4 %>

In addition to textbox-style in-place editors, JIPE lets you do clickable image toggles for boolean fields. For example:

Mood: <%= jipe_image_toggle @post, “is_happy”, “smiley.png”, “frowny.png” %>