
These snippets showcase ways to interact with a JIRA server via JIRA's SOAP interface. The script was originally adapted from an example script for jira4r.

The first thing you need to do

Always start by creating a new JIRA::JIRAService, with the argument being the base URL to your JIRA server (e.g. http://confluence.atlassian.com):

jira = JIRA::JIRAService.new 'http://jira.atlassian.com:8080'

Then you need to log in:

jira. 'soaptester', 'password'

Now the rest of the API is available to you.

Server Information

You can get information about the server, such as its version, and also information about its configuration, such as whether or not voting on issues is allowed:

baseurl = jira.server_info.base_url
puts "Base URL: #{baseurl} \n"

if jira.server_configuration.voting_allowed?
  puts 'Voting is allowed on this server'
  puts 'Voting is not allowed on this server'

Project Information

Getting information about projects is also very easy, except for information about schemes (i.e. permissions, etc.).

# get every project
projects = jira.projects.each { |project| puts project.inspect }

# get a specific project
project_key = 'DEMO'
project = jira.project_with_key project_key
puts "Details for project #{project_key}: #{project.inspect}"

Project Versions

version = JIRA::Version.new
version.name = 'version 99'
new_version = jira.add_version_to_project_with_key project.key, version
puts "Added version #{new_version.name} to #{project.name}\n"


There are many ways to get and issue from the server, I think the easiest is to use the issue key.

issue_key = 'TST-10392'
issue = jira.issue_with_key issue_key
puts "Retrieved issue: #{issue.key}: #{issue.summary}\n"

Get the value of a custom field

I find that I often need to get information from an issue's custom fields.

custom_field_id = jira.custom_field_with_name('Reported on behalf of').id
custom_field_value = issue.custom_field(custom_field_id)
puts "Value of issue #{issue.key}'s custom field with ID #{custom_field_id}: " +

Comment on an issue

It is also pretty easy to add a comment to an issue.

comment = JIRA::Comment.new
comment.body = 'commented from jiraSOAP'
jira.add_comment_to_issue_with_key issue.key, comment

Update a field for an issue

Updating an issue is easy, but has some caveats, so you should see the documentation as well (JIRA::RemoteAPI#update_issue).

summary = JIRA::FieldValue.new('summary', 'new summary info from jiraSOAP')
jira.update_issue issue.key, summary
puts "Updated issue #{issue.key}'s field #{summary.field_name}\n"

One caveat is that some fields cannot be updated without also progressing the issue to a new status.

action = jira.available_actions('TST-14').find do |action|
  action.name == 'Send To Test'

jira.progress_workflow_action 'TST-14', action.id

You can also update fields, when progressing an issue to a new workflow state.

assignee = JIRA::FieldValue.new 'assignee', 'mrada'
jira.progress_workflow_action 'TST-14', action.id, assignee

User Information

CRUD operations for user information are also available.

  password = rand(1000000000000).to_s(16)
  user = jira.create_user('jon', password, 'Jon Happy', '[email protected]')
  puts "Created user #{user.username} with password: #{password}\n"

User groups

# get details about a user group
group = jira.group_with_name 'jira-users'
puts "Retrieved details for group jira-users: #{group.inspect}\n"

# add a user to a group
newuser = JIRA::User.new
newuser.name = user.name
jira.add_user_to_group group, user
puts "Added user #{user.name} in group #{group.name}\n"

Don't forget to log out

Your session will timeout, but for security purposes it is always a good idea to log out when you are done.
