
This module enables a property in a DataMapper::Resource class to be filtered on save into another property, using per-row and/or per-property filters.

To use in a model:

include Filters::Resource

The syntax when defining a property is:

property :prop_name, :filter => {
  :to => :filtered_prop,
  :with => :filter_column,
  :default => "DefaultFilter"

(:with and :default are optional, though at least one should be specified.)

See Filters::AVAILABLE_FILTERS for some filter options. Additional filters may be defined in this constant Hash.

If the properties in :to and :with have not yet been defined, they will be defined automatically. Hence, if want to specify any options with this, they should be defined before to filtered property.


To install the gem:

gem sources -a
sudo gem install jm81-dm-filters

To require:

gem 'jm81-dm-filters'
require 'dm-filters'

Copyright (c) 2009 Jared Morgan. See LICENSE for details.