This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
GET /current_user
=> current user
GET /users
=> list all users
GET /teams
=> list all teams
GET /teams/:id/users
=> all users that can access a team
POST /jobs
=> create an untracked job
GET /jobs/pop
=> pop a job from the queue
PUT /jobs/:id/status
=> update a job's status
POST /events
=> enqueue an event for processing
GET projects
=> retrieve a list of all projects. by team, by user or all
GET projects/:id
=> get a single project
DEL projects/:id
=> delete a project
PUT projects/:id
=> update a project
POST projects
=> create a freestyle project
GET projects/:id/branches
=> retrieve a list of branches with a build status for a project, show all branches option
GET projects/:id/jobs
=> retrieve a list of the latest jobs for a project
GET /pipelines
=> list all pipeline definitions by registry with latest status.
GET /pipelines/:name/instances
=> list all pipeline instances for this definition
GET /pipelines/:name/instances/:id
=> get a specific pipeline, more information, status and jobs
GET /libraries
=> list all installed libraries known
POST /libraries
=> install a library
DEL /libraries/:name
=> uninstall a library