Why double fork?

Well, to original fork didn’t work for me…

Merb fork of BackgrounDRb

Based on the 1.0.3 version of backgroundrb this is a hacked port to MERB. Some areas need tyding up but it works for all basic cases. Contributions welcome!


(1) Install gem provided in /pkg into your app's gem repository (which has to be named gems)
    ex. #cd ~/path/to/app
        #mkdir gems
        #gem install ~/path/to/bdrb_merb.gem -i gems --no-ri --no-rdoc -l
(2) Add to config/init.rb (Merb):
    require 'backgroundrb_merb'
(3) Create configuration file:
    #rake bdrb:setup


Workers are created in app/workers
To create new worker:
  merb-gen worker WorkerName

To start BackgroundRB:
  rake bdrb:ctl:start
  Control+C to stop
To run in background:
  rake bdrb:ctl:daemonize
And to stop it:
  rake bdrb:ctl:stop


BackgrounDRb is a Ruby job server and scheduler. Its main intent is to be used with Ruby on Rails applications for offloading long-running tasks. Since a Rails application blocks while serving a request it is best to move long-running tasks off into a background process that is divorced from http request/response cycle.

This new release of BackgrounDRb is also modular and can be used without Rails so that any Ruby program or framework can use it.

Copyright © 2006 Ezra Zygmuntowicz,skaar[at]wasteorg, Copyright © 2007 Hemant Kumar (gethemant [at] gmail.com )


Please look into backgroundrb.rubyforge.org