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A ruby rool for generating POROs from JSON data. It is intended to generate ruby model classes/modules from existing JSON data, e.g. responses from an API.

The tool will 'fold down' objects with identical fields - i.e. if an object has exactly the same field names and types as another, it will assume they are the same type.

'Root' entities are named after the files that they are parsed from. Entities with no obvious name (items in an array, for instance) are named Unknown<x> where x increments from 1.


gem install json2ruby


json2ruby.rb [options] <file.json> [<file.json>....]
Option Flags Default Description
-o, --outputdir ./classes The output directory for Ruby files
-m, --modulename The Ruby module for files
-s, --superclass The superclass for classes
-r, --require Add ruby require to files
-i, --include Add ruby include to files
-e, --extend Add ruby extend to files
-M, --modules Generate Ruby modules, not classes
-a, --attributemethod attr_accessor Use a custom attribute definition method
-c, --collectionmethod attr_accessor Use a custom collection definition method
-t, --types Include type name in attribute definition call
-b, --baseless Don't generate for the root object in each file
-f, --forceoverwrite Overwrite Existing files
-N, --forcenumeric Use Numeric instead of Integer/Float
-v, --verbose Be verbose, List every operation/file


Generate a simple set of POROs from an API response JSON file, be verbose:

./json2ruby.rb -v data.json

Generate a (very) basic set of apotonick/representable compatible representer modules:

./json2ruby.rb -r representable/json-i Representable::JSON -M -a property -c collection data.json 


The option -m, --modulename can take path module names in FirstModule::Submodule::SubSubModule format, which will produce classes like so:

module FirstModule
  module Submodule
    module SubSubModule
      class JSONObject

The option -N, --forcenumeric can be useful to fold down identical types where an attribute which is a float happens to have an integer value, to avoid generating two identical types.


Regenerate the documentation with 'rdoc':



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
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  5. Create new Pull Request