'date-time' => Format::DATE_TIME,
'date' => Format::DATE,
'time' => Format::TIME,
'duration' => Format::DURATION,
'email' => Format::EMAIL,
'idn-email' => Format::IDN_EMAIL,
'hostname' => Format::HOSTNAME,
'idn-hostname' => Format::IDN_HOSTNAME,
'ipv4' => Format::IPV4,
'ipv6' => Format::IPV6,
'uri' => Format::URI,
'uri-reference' => Format::URI_REFERENCE,
'iri' => Format::IRI,
'iri-reference' => Format::IRI_REFERENCE,
'uuid' => Format::UUID,
'uri-template' => Format::URI_TEMPLATE,
'json-pointer' => Format::JSON_POINTER,
'relative-json-pointer' => Format::RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER,
'regex' => Format::REGEX
'$schema' => 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',
'$id' => 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',
'$vocabulary' => {
'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/vocab/core' => true,
'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/vocab/applicator' => true,
'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/vocab/unevaluated' => true,
'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/vocab/validation' => true,
'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/vocab/meta-data' => true,
'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/vocab/format-annotation' => true,
'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/vocab/content' => true
'$dynamicAnchor' => 'meta',
'title' => 'Core and Validation specifications meta-schema',
'allOf' => [
{'$ref' => 'meta/core'},
{'$ref' => 'meta/applicator'},
{'$ref' => 'meta/unevaluated'},
{'$ref' => 'meta/validation'},
{'$ref' => 'meta/meta-data'},
{'$ref' => 'meta/format-annotation'},
{'$ref' => 'meta/content'}
'type' => ['object', 'boolean'],
'$comment' => 'This meta-schema also defines keywords that have appeared in previous drafts in order to prevent incompatible extensions as they remain in common use.',
'properties' => {
'definitions' => {
'$comment' => '"definitions" has been replaced by "$defs".',
'type' => 'object',
'additionalProperties' => { '$dynamicRef' => '#meta' },
'deprecated' => true,
'default' => {}
'dependencies' => {
'$comment' => '"dependencies" has been split and replaced by "dependentSchemas" and "dependentRequired" in order to serve their differing semantics.',
'type' => 'object',
'additionalProperties' => {
'anyOf' => [
{ '$dynamicRef' => '#meta' },
{ '$ref' => 'meta/validation#/$defs/stringArray' }
'deprecated' => true,
'default' => {}
'$recursiveAnchor' => {
'$comment' => '"$recursiveAnchor" has been replaced by "$dynamicAnchor".',
'$ref' => 'meta/core#/$defs/anchorString',
'deprecated' => true
'$recursiveRef' => {
'$comment' => '"$recursiveRef" has been replaced by "$dynamicRef".',
'$ref' => 'meta/core#/$defs/uriReferenceString',
'deprecated' => true