
A class to represent a time object without a date. Ruby doesn't have one, and if you don't want to rely on, eg, Sequel.SQLTime, then you have to roll your own.

Or you can use mine. ;)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'just_time'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install just_time


The code is very short and hopefully the whole thing is pretty obvious. Some example code:

jt1 = JustTime.new("12:34:56")
jt2 = JustTime.from_time(Time.now - 120)
jt3 = JustTime.now

jt4 = jt1 - jt2
puts jt2.to_s(:hhmm)
date = jt2.to_time(Date.today)


This code was developed, by me, during working hours at James Hall & Co. Ltd. I'm incredibly greatful that they have permitted me to open-source it.