Image and content moderation services.

There are 5 avalable for API

  • Closed questions(Standard Criteria (5 mins response time)) - Answer can be only approved, declined or ban(kenta).
  • Choices(Yes or No Question from Image (30 mins response time)) - This model use to ask question with multiple choice. Anwser can be one or multiple.
  • Photo tags(Tag an object in the image (60 mins response time)) - This model use to create a selection area to find where answer is, by drag the area on image from webpage.
  • Messages(Message Question from Image (30 mins response time)) - This model allow moderator type the anwser on what they see.
  • Predictions(Images (AI Beta / 95% accuracy)) - Use AI to prediction the result
Please see more usage documentation for details on our guideline.

Getting Started

KSequencing 0.1.25 works with Rails 4.1 onwards. You can add it to your Gemfile with:

gem 'k_sequencing', '~> 0.1.25'

Then run bundle install

Next, you need to run the generator:

$ rails generate k_sequencing:install

The generator will install an initializer which describes ALL of KSequencing's configuration options. It is imperative that you take a look at it. When you are done, you are ready to add KSqeuencing to any of your codes.

You have to contact us Datawow to get your token. With this token you'll be able to use our gem properly.


There are 3 oparations of each model as the same name see example below

Get image

Field Type Required Description
token string Yes Project token
id string Yes Image id or Client's image id


  • You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both.
  • Image data dynamic by project token.
Sample request


KSequencing.client.find_image("your custom id")


KSequencing.client.find_image("5a40be59fb9d7f27354c5efa", { token: "[you_token]" })

Client can check whether request is success by

response = KSequencing.client.find_image("5a40be59fb9d7f27354c5efa")
if response.successful?
  # Do stuff
  log.error("Request was not success, somethings went wrong.")
Sample response

  "data": {
    "image": {
      "id": "5a40be59fb9d7f27354c5efa",
      "answer": "approved",
      "credit_charged": 1,
      "custom_id": "custom_id",
      "data": "image_url",
      "postback_url": "postback_url",
      "processed_at": "2017-12-25T16:02:00.599+07:00",
      "project_id": "project_id",
      "status": "processed"
  "status": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "meta": {
    "code": 200,
    "message": "success"

Create Image Standard Criteria (5 mins response time)

Closed questions - Answer can be only approved, declined or ban(kenta).

Field Type Required Description
token string Yes Project token
data string Yes Data for moderate
postback_url string No Image postback url
postback_method string No Postback method
custom_id string No Custom's id
Sample request
KSequencing.image_closed_question.create({ data: "image_url" })


Override data [:token, :postback_url, :postback_method]

  custom_id: "custom_id",
  data: "image_url",
  postback_method: "POST",
  postback_url: "",
  token: "[you_token]"
Sample response
  "data": {
    "id": "5a40c77ffb9d7f27354c60c2",
    "answer": nil,
    "credit_charged": 0,
    "custom_id": "custom_id",
    "data": "image_url",
    "postback_url": "",
    "processed_at": nil,
    "project_id": "project_id",
    "status": "unprocess" 
  "status": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "meta": { 
    "code": 200, 
    "message": "success" 
Sample postback data

Get list of images

KSequencing.image_closed_question.all({ token: "[you_token]" })
Field Type Required Description
token string Yes Project token
page integer No Image id
per_page integer No Client's image id

Note: You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both.

Sample request


  page: 1,
  per_page: 20,
  token: "[you_token]"
Sample results
  "data": {
    "images": [
        "answer": "approved",
        "credit_charged": 1,
        "custom_id": "custom_id",
        "data": "image_url",
        "id": "5a40c77ffb9d7f27354c60c2",
        "postback_url": "",
        "processed_at": "2017-12-25T16:40:19.699+07:00",
        "project_id": "project_id",
        "status": "processed"
        "answer": "approved",
        "credit_charged": 1,
        "custom_id": "custom_id",
        "data": "image_url",
        "id": "5a40be59fb9d7f27354c5efa",
        "postback_url": "",
        "processed_at": "2017-12-25T16:02:00.599+07:00",
        "project_id": "project_id",
        "status": "processed"
  "status": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "total": 3,
  "meta": {
    "code": 200,
    "current_page": 1,
    "message": "success",
    "next_page": 2,
    "prev_page": -1,
    "total_count": 3,
    "total_pages": 2

However token: "[you_token]" you can config in configuration file is not necessary to send to method every time you request, if you have one project token we recommeded this approach

Please see more usage documentation for details on our guideline.


This project is licensed under datawowio