
KafkaSyrup is a Kafka client compatible with the Kafka 0.8 API and above.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kafka_syrup'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kafka-syrup



require 'kafka_syrup'

KafkaSyrup.configure do |config|
  config.brokers = 'localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094'

  # For consuming in a group
  config.zookeeper_hosts = 'localhost:2181'

Additional configuration options can be found in the main kafka_syrup.rb file

Sending messages to Kafka

producer = KafkaSyrup::Producer.new(topic: :foo)

producer.send_message('hello world')

Consuming messages from a single Kafka partition

consumer = KafkaSyrup::PartitionConsumer.new(topic: :foo, partition: 1)


# It is possible to limit the number of messages returned:

Note that regardless of the limit, fetch() will block until it has received at least one message.

Consuming messages in a group

consumer = KafkaSyrup::TopicConsumer.new(topic: :foo, group: :bar)


# It is possible to limit the number of messages returned:

Note that regardless of the limit, fetch() will block until it has received at least one message.

The topic consumer utilizes zookeeper for coordination with other members of the group and is fully compatible with the normal Kafka high level consumer. (ie - kafk_syrup clients and java kafka clients can coexist in the same group with no problem.)