Keigan is web interface for viewing a risu database
The name comes from the Japanese word for 'keen insight'.
Keigan has been tested with ruby-1.9.2-p320, ruby-1.9.3-p125. Please try to use one of these versions if possible. I recommend using RVM to setup your ruby environment you can get it here.
Keigan relies heavily on RubyGems to install other dependencies I highly recommend using it. RubyGems is included by default in the 1.9.x versions of Ruby.
- rails
- yaml
- logger
- risu
- sinatra
- haml
Installation is really easy just gem install!
% gem install keigan
It is assumed that you already have a working risu installation, a configuration file and a parsed database.
Step 1: Starting the service
Simply type in a console; by default Keigan will read a configuration file for database settings from the current directory. This means you should run it from the same directory as your risu database(sqlite) and configuration file.
% keigan
Once the service boots up open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8869. Alternatively if you want the service to run in the background you can do the following.
% keigan &
Step 2: Navigating the website
Keigan displays everything in the database in a easy view manner.
- dashboard
- scans
- hosts
- items
- plugins
If you would like to contribute to Keigan. The easiest way is to fork the project on github and make the changes in your fork and the submit a pull request to the project.
If you have any problems, bugs or feature requests please use the github issue tracker.
- keigan - (BSD) Copyright (C) 2012 Arxopia LLC.
- risu - (BSD) Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Arxopia LLC.
- Bluff - (MIT) Copyright (C) 2008-2010 James Coglan
You can reach me at keigan[at]arxopia[dot]com.
You can also contact me on IRC as hammackj on, #risu