
A helpful collection of Rake tasks for improved workflows.


#  Add Gemcutter to your RubyGems sources 
$  gem sources -a

$  (sudo)? gem install kematzy-tasks


This Gem depends upon the following:


  • rake ( >= 0.8.7 )

Development & Tests:

  • rspec (>= 1.2.7 )

Getting Started

These tasks are available:

DB => Database Related Tasks

NB! These tasks are only supporting SQLite3 databases with name ending in .db for now.

To setup the ../db/ directories used by these Rake tasks.

rake db:setup  => creates ../db/bootstraps & ../db/backups in the Rakefile directory.


To backup a database [db] and compresses it as a YYYY-MM-DD-[db].tar.gz file.

rake db:backup:db db=/name-of-database.db  => 



  rake db:backup db=/name-of-database.db

To dump (backup) ALL databases into .sql files.

rake db:dump  =>

  # creates ../db/backups/YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-development.db.sql
  # with the following comments in the sql file
    -- ++++ 
    -- BACKUP OF DB [ development.db ] 
    -- IN APP [ /full/path/2/your/app ] 
    -- Created on [ YYYY-MM-DD at HH:MM:SS ] 
    -- /++++ 


  rake db:backups

  rake db:backup:sql


To dump all current databases as bootstrap .sql files.

rake db:dump:bootstrap

To bootstrap an existing database with its ..db/bootstraps/*.sql file.

rake db:bootstrap db=db/development.db  =>

  # is equivalent to this:
  `sqlite3 db/development.db < db/bootstraps/development.db.sql`

To bootstrap a NEW database with a ..db/bootstraps/*.sql file.

rake db:bootstrap:new db=db/new.db bf=db/bootstraps/somefile.sql

  # creates the new DB ../db/new.db

  # and loads the contents of ../db/bootstraps/somefile.sql into it


To copy the ../db/development.db into ..db/production.db.

rake db:production:setup  =>

FS => File System Related Tasks

Commonly used file system related tasks.

NB! Use these with care, as they might NOT be 100% solid at this stage.


To copy files or directories from one location to another.

# copies the file to the directory
rake fs:copy from=path/from/filename.ext to=path/to/some/directory

# copies the contents of the from directory to the to directory
rake fs:copy from=path/from/directory/ to=path/to/some/directory

# copies the whole directory to the new path
rake fs:copy from=path/from/directory to=path/to/some/new/path


To move files or directories from one location to another.

# moves the file to the directory
rake fs:move from=path/from/filename.ext to=path/to/some/directory

# moves the contents of the from directory to the to directory
rake fs:move from=path/from/directory/ to=path/to/some/directory

# moves the whole directory to the new path
rake fs:move from=path/from/directory to=path/to/some/new/path


To create a NEW directory at the path given.

rake fs:create:dir:new path=path/2/new/dir

Other Create Tasks (more specific to my workflow perhaps)

To create a Classes directory at the path given.

rake fs:create:dir:classes path=path/2/dir  =>

  # results in  ../path/2/dir/classes being created

To create a Helpers directory at the path given.

rake fs:create:dir:helpers path=path/2/dir  =>

  # results in  ../path/2/dir/helpers being created

To create a Models directory at the path given.

rake fs:create:dir:models path=path/2/dir  =>

  # results in  ../path/2/dir/models being created

To create a Routes directory at the path given.

rake fs:create:dir:routes path=path/2/dir  =>

  # results in  ../path/2/dir/routes being created

PASSENGER => Passenger / mod_rails Related Tasks

To restart the server, and create the ../tmp/restart.txt file (if missing)

rake passenger:init  => touch tmp/restart.txt


    rake passenger:restart

    rake psr

To turn on “Always Restart Passenger” on each request.

rake passenger:always:on  =>  touch tmp/always_restart.txt


    rake pson

To turn OFF “Always Restart Passenger” on each request.

rake passenger:always:off  =>  rm tmp/always_restart.txt


    rake psoff

SYMLINK => Symlink Related Tasks

When developing sites, I keep certain directories out of Git versioning, and instead store them in a ‘shared’ directory one level up from my app.

I then symlink the directories into the ../APP_ROOT/public/ directory.

To symlink all shared directories to public/.

rake symlink:shared dirs=images, photos, downloads,.... =>

  # equivalent of:
  `ln -s ../APP_ROOT/shared/downloads ../APP_ROOT/public/downloads
  and so on...

SASS => Sass Related Tasks

This is a very personal workflow task, whereby I essentially have this Sinatra App structure.

  |-> apps
  |     |
  |     |-> app1
  |     |     |
  |     |     |-> sass
  |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |_> _pages.sass  #
  |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |-> pages
  |     |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |     |-> home.sass
  |     |     |     |     |-> login.sass
  |     |     |     |     |-> ....
  |     |     |     |     |
  |     |     |
  |     |
  |     |-> app2
  |     |
  |     |-> ....

Create a NEW Sass page and include it in the _pages.sass file for loading.

rake sass:page:new page=app1:logout  =>

  # creates the ../apps/app1/sass/pages/logout.sass page and includes it in the _pages.sass file


  • Make it less personal perhaps.

  • Make the DB Tasks work with both MySQL and SQLite3 databases.

  • Work out how to test all these tasks via RSpec tests, for more solid tasks.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.

    • (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)

  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright © 2009 kematzy. See LICENSE for details.