
A utility for performing bulk actions against your kindle library, most notably to allow resetting the "last page read" for all your kindle books.


$ gem install kindle_util

And then to reset "last page read" for all books, execute:

$ kindle_util -a reset_lpr


$ kindle_util -h
    kindle_util [OPTIONS] [FILTER] ...

    [FILTER] ...                  The filters to limit the items acted upon.
                                  These should be given as 'field_name=value',
                                  where value is treated as a regex.  Perform
                                  the list action with --debug to see all
                                  possible fields

    -u, --username USERNAME       Your amazon username/email
    -p, --password PASSWORD       Your amazon password
    -a, --action ACTION           The action to perform on all the selected
                                  books, where action is one of:
                                    list: Display the selected items
                                    reset_lpr: Reset the last page read marker
                                    (default: "list")
    -c, --[no-]cache              Cache (or not) the full list of purchased
                                  items (default: true)
    -d, --debug                   More verbose logging
    -v, --version                 Show version and exit
    -h, --help                    print help


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request