
Gem Version

A Test Kitchen Driver for Scalr. This driver creates an instance on Scalr by creating a Farm containing a single Farm Role and granting Test Kitchen access to the corresponding server. It can work in two modes:

  • Image Mode: (default) The user provides an image name and the driver will automatically create a role corresponding to this image as well as instanciate this role in a farm.
  • Role Mode: the user provides a role id and the driver will instanciate it in a farm

Installation and Setup

Please read the Driver usage page for more details.



Required This is the URL of the Scalr server that will be reached by the driver.


Required This is a string corresponding to the environment id used by the plugin.

scalr_api_key_id and scalr_api_key_secret

Required except on macOS and Windows These are respectively the API KEY ID and API KEY secret used to make the API calls to Scalr. This option SHOULD NOT be used on Windows and macOS because kitchen scalr integrates natively with these OSes to ensure secure storage of the Scalr credentials. In this case, Kitchen-Scalr will prompt for credentials at the first use, and memorize them for further calls.


Required This is a string corresponding to the project identifier used to create the farm in Scalr. This is used in Scalr for accountability and cost management.


Optional Setting this option to an integer corresponding to a role id will trigger Role mode with the provided role identifier. If this option is not set, the driver will work in Image mode.


Required in Image mode This is a string corresponding to the image name used to instanciate the server.


Required This is a string corresponding to the instance type of the VMs in the underlying cloud. Example: 'm3.medium'


Required in Role mode This is the identifier of the underlying cloud platform. Examples: "ec2", "gce", "openstack".


Required in Role mode This is a string corresponding to the cloud location used to create the instance. Example: "us-east-1"


Optional This is a boolean, default is 'false', that configures sshd to allow root logins and bounces the service during kitchen create. Useful if your base image does not allow ssh as root by default.


Optional This is a yaml representation of a Farm Role Object as described in the APIv2 in Scalr. When kitchen-scalr creates a server, it merges this object with the previously-described parameters and creates the corresponding Farm Role. This section can be used to configure Security Groups, Networking etc... You can put the same parameters there as the ones you would get with a scalr-ctl farm-roles get.


Optional If set to true, kitchen will use Scalr private ips for the instances, otherwise it will use the public one.

Configuration example

  name: scalr

  name: chef_zero

  name: inspec

  - name: ubuntu-14.04
      scalr_api_url: ''
      scalr_env_id: '2'
      scalr_project_id: '30c59dba-fc9b-4d0f-83ec-4b5043b12f72'
      scalr_server_instanceType: 'm3.medium'
      scalr_use_role: 12345
      scalr_platform: 'ec2'
      scalr_location: 'us-east-1'
            - id: 'sg-3b3d9153'
            - id: 'sg-349a765f'
            - id: 'sg-4a9a7621'


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  • @daxgames for contributing the 'permit_ssh_root_login' setting.



Apache 2.0 (see LICENSE)