Class: Kithe::AssetUploader

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The default shrine uploader class, for handling assets on Kithe::Asset.

TODO: Needs to handle validations somehow with direct uploads and backgrounding.

TODO: If we don’t add FITS and anti-virus, at least sketch out how they could be added by local app, make sure we have architecture to support it. Likely related to backgrounding metadata/validation.

TODO: PDF-specific metadata extraction (page number) (may need shrine feature), as well as locally customized metadata pattern in general.

FUTURE: Needs ways to customize. Including adding metadata extractors, validations, and also possibly changing things (like determine_mime_type analyzer etc)

* config that turns on/off or changes certain things?
* Way to supply your own completely custom Uploader class?
  * Could be a sub-class of this one?
  * Some kithe behavior implemented as shrine plugins so you can easily re-use?

FUTURE: Look at using client-side-calculated checksums to verify end-to-end.

When magic-byte analyzer can’t determine mime type, will fall back to ‘mediainfo` CLI if `Kithe.use_mediainfo` is true (defaults to true if mediainfo CLI is available). (We need better ways to customize uploader.)