Chef knife plugin to configure the DNS resolver(s) on a node during bootstrap.
Sometimes a newly provisioned server may not have the correct DNS resolver configuration (either from template or DHCP) which causes knife bootstrap
to fail - this plugin aims to solve that issue but providing an option a provisioning template can use to set the resolver before attempting to install the Chef client using the
$ knife bootstrap -h | grep -i resolver
--bootstrap-resolver RESOLVER
The DNS resolver for the node being bootstrapped
To configure DNS resolver options in your knife.rb
, add:
knife[:bootstrap_resolver] = [ "", "" ]
To specify the above options on the fly, use the --bootstrap-resolver
option to set the bootstrap node's resolver.
Bootstrap Template
To make use of the above, include the following snippet towards the top in your bootstrap template (before any attempts to download files):
<% if @config[:bootstrap_resolver] -%>
<% @config[:bootstrap_resolver].map!(&:strip) if @config[:bootstrap_resolver].is_a?(Array) %>
<% @config[:bootstrap_resolver].is_a?(Array) ? bootstrap_resolver = @config[:bootstrap_resolver].join(" ") : bootstrap_resolver = @config[:bootstrap_resolver] %>
bootstrap_resolver=( <%= bootstrap_resolver %> )
for n in "${bootstrap_resolver[@]}"; do echo "nameserver ${n}"; done > /etc/resolv.conf
<% elsif @knife_config[:bootstrap_resolver] -%>
<% @knife_config[:bootstrap_resolver].map!(&:strip) if @knife_config[:bootstrap_resolver].is_a?(Array) %>
<% @knife_config[:bootstrap_resolver].is_a?(Array) ? bootstrap_resolver = @knife_config[:bootstrap_resolver].join(" ") : bootstrap_resolver = @knife_config[:bootstrap_resolver] %>
bootstrap_resolver=( <%= bootstrap_resolver %> )
for n in "${bootstrap_resolver[@]}"; do echo "nameserver ${n}"; done > /etc/resolv.conf
<% end -%>
Knife attributes for knife.rb
. Options specified when running knife bootstrap
take precedence over those options specified in your knife.rb
Here you specify the DNS resolvers for your node to use.
Multiple entries should be specified as an array.