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Knife CLC

This is the Chef Knife plugin for CenturyLink Cloud. It gives Knife the ability to manage servers and query for additional resources like data centers, templates and groups.


There are three ways to install the Chef Knife plugin on your CenturyLink Cloud platform.

If you're using ChefDK, simply install the Gem:

$ chef gem install knife-clc

If you're using Bundler:

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'knife-clc'

And then, execute:

$ bundle

If you're installing it yourself:

$ gem install knife-clc


In order to use the CLC API (which Chef Knife uses for configuration) a user must supply an API username & password. This can be done in several ways.


Credentials can be specified in the knife.rb file:

knife[:clc_username] = "CLC API Username"
knife[:clc_password] = "CLC API Password"

Note: If your knife.rb file will be checked into a source control management system, or will be otherwise accessible by others, you may want to use one of the other configuration methods to avoid exposing your credentials.

ENV & knife.rb

It is also possible to specify credentials as environment (ENV) variables. Here's an example:

knife[:clc_username] = ENV['CLC_USERNAME']
knife[:clc_password] = ENV['CLC_PASSWORD']

Note: Since most CLC tools use the same set of ENV variables, the plugin would read the CLC_USERNAME and CLC_PASSWORD variables automatically if no other options were specified in knife.rb.

CLI Arguments

If you prefer to specify credentials on a per-command basis, you can do it with CLI arguments:

$ knife clc datacenter list \
--username 'api_username' \
--password 'api_password'

Advanced Configuration

In order to speed up your workflow, you can specify some defaults for every command option in knife.rb.

Note: Since knife.rb is basically a Ruby file, we use snake_case notation. Also, we prefix CLC options with clc_. For example, --source-server turns into clc_source_server.

knife[:clc_name] = 'QAEnv'
knife[:clc_description] = 'Automatic UI testing node'
knife[:clc_group] = '675b79g94b84122ea1c920111967a33c'
knife[:clc_source_server] = 'DEBIAN-7-64-TEMPLATE'
knife[:clc_cpu] = 2
knife[:clc_memory] = 2

Options like --disk, --custom-field, --package can be specified several times. In the configuration file they will look like an Array with a plural config option name. For example:

knife[:clc_custom_fields] = [

knife[:clc_disks] = [

Supported Commands

This plugin provides the following Knife subcommands.

Specific command options can be found by invoking the subcommand with a --help flag.

Note: Some commands provide access to long-running cloud operations. These commands are asynchronous (async) by default (they don't wait for the operation to complete before continuing their work and they don't return an output immediately). All of them support the --wait option, which makes the command pause until the operation either completes or fails.

Several types of resources are scoped by the datacenter they reside in. Commands querying for these resources support the --datacenter ID option, which returns resources for a specific data center. Some of the commands support the --all option, which returns all resources from all data centers (this command is much slower).

Also, resources like IP addresses are scoped by the server they belong to. The related commands require the --server ID option.

knife clc datacenter list

Outputs a list of all available CLC data centers.

$ knife clc datacenter list

knife clc group create

Creates a child group for a specified parent. Unlike other modification operations, this command is synchronous and does not support the --wait flag.

$ knife clc group create --name 'Custom Group' \
--description 'Manual Test Group' \
--parent bcda7f994b844521111920325qrta33c

knife clc group list

Scoped by datacenter. Outputs a list of datacenter groups. By default, it reflects a logical group structure as a tree. Supports the --view option with the values table and tree.

$ knife clc group list --datacenter ca1 --view table

knife clc ip create

Asynchronous. Scoped by server. Assigns a public IP to a specified server. Applies the passes protocol and source restrictions. While the CLC API supports TCP, UDP and ICMP permissions only, this command provides several useful aliases to the most frequently used protocols: winrm, ssh, sftp, ftp, http, https, ftp, and ftps. These same options can be provided during server creation.

$ knife clc ip create --server ca1altdqasrv01 \
--allow tcp:66-67 \
--allow udp:68 \
--allow icmp \
--allow ssh \
--allow http \
--allow ftp \
--source \
--source \

knife clc ip delete

Asynchronous. Scoped by server. Deletes a previously assigned public IP of a server.

$ knife clc ip delete --server ca1altdqasrv01 --wait

knife clc operation show

Asynchronous. Outputs the current operation status. User can use the --wait flag to wait for operation completion. Operation IDs are usually printed by other async commands when they are executed without the --wait option.

$ knife clc operation show ca1-43089 --wait

knife clc server create

Asynchronous. Launches a server using specified parameters. It is recommended to allow SSH/RDP access to the server if the user plans to use it from an external network later.

$ knife clc server create --name 'QASrv' \
--group 675b79g94b84122ea1c920111967a33c \
--source-server DEBIAN-7-64-TEMPLATE \
--cpu 1 \
--memory 1 \
--type standard \
--allow icmp \
--allow ssh \

Bootstrap flag

This command supports the --bootstrap flag, which allows the launched machine to connect to your Chef Server installation. Both Linux and Windows platforms are supported. Knife determines platform automatically, but it can be overriden by --botstrap-platform option. Current implementation bootstraps Linux nodes via SSH, and Windows nodes via WinRM protocol. Bootstrap specific options (as well as platform specific ones) are labelled in command manual accordingly. For example:

-x, --winrm-user USERNAME        [Bootstrap] (Windows Only) The WinRM username

The asynchronous bootstrap variant does not require public IP access to the machine. Chef Server credentials and other parameters will be sent to the server. They will be used by the Chef Client installation script during launch.

Note: Bootstrapping errors will cancel a launch operation.

$ knife clc server create --name 'QASrv' \
--group 675b79g94b84122ea1c920111967a33c \
--source-server DEBIAN-7-64-TEMPLATE \
--cpu 1 \
--memory 1 \
--type standard \
--bootstrap \
--run-list recipe[chef-client] \
--tags one,two,three

The synchronous bootstrap variant is very similar to the bootstrap used in other Knife plugins. It requires an SSH connection to the server.

Note: The plugin will refuse to launch a server unless a public IP is requested. Linux machines require SSH access port (TCP:22 by default). Windows machines require WinRM access port (defaults to TCP:5985 or TCP:5986 depending on --winrm-transport).

Example for custom SSH port:

$ knife clc server create --name 'QASrv' \
--group 675b79g94b84122ea1c920111967a33c \
--source-server DEBIAN-7-64-TEMPLATE \
--cpu 1 \
--memory 1 \
--type standard \
--allow tcp:55 \
--bootstrap \
--ssh-port 55 \
--run-list recipe[chef-client] \
--tags one,two,three \
--no-host-key-verify \

It is also possible to bootstrap a machine without using a public IP address. A machine with open SSH access that belongs to the same network can be used as an SSH gateway via the --ssh-gateway option. Users can also run the Knife plugin inside of the network with the --bootstrap-private flag to bypass public IP checks.

$ knife clc server create --name 'QASrv' \
--group 675b79g94b84122ea1c920111967a33c \
--source-server DEBIAN-7-64-TEMPLATE \
--cpu 1 \
--memory 1 \
--type standard \
--bootstrap \
--bootstrap-private \
--run-list recipe[chef-client] \
--tags one,two,three \
--no-host-key-verify \

knife clc server delete

Asynchronous. Deletes an existing server by its ID. Note that all Chef Server objects (if there are any) are left intact after the deletion.

$ knife clc server delete ca1altdqasrv01 --wait

knife clc server list

Scoped by datacenter. Outputs a list of all servers in a specified datacenter. This also supports --all option (which returns a list of servers in all datacenters).

Can be used with the --chef-nodes option to add a Chef Node column. The node names of servers managed by Chef Server will appear in the Chef Node column.

Note: Chef API credentials are required for this operation to work.

$ knife clc server list --datacenter ca1 --chef-nodes

knife clc server power_off

Asynchronous. Turns the server power off.

Note: All SSH/RDP sessions will be forcibly closed when this command runs.

$ knife clc server power_off ca1altdqasrv01 --wait

knife clc server power_on

Asynchronous. Turns the server power on. The server will be available for connections after this operation is complete.

$ knife clc server power_off ca1altdqasrv01 --wait

knife clc server reboot

Asynchronous. Performs an OS-level reboot on the server.

Note: All applications that are running will finish the current task and then close.

$ knife clc server reboot ca1altdqasrv01 --wait

knife clc server show

Outputs details for a specified server ID. This command supports the --uuid flag, which interprets the primary argument as a UUID (instead of a server ID). By default, the output does not show server credentials or opened ports. Users may request more information with the --creds and --ports options.

Note: Requesting additional information will slow this command down.

$ knife clc server show 406282c5116443029576a2b9ac56f5cc \
--uuid \

$ knife clc server show ca1altdqasrv01 --ports

knife clc template list

Scoped by datacenter. Outputs available server templates in a specified datacenter. Supports the --all option, which returns a list of templates from all datacenters.

$ knife clc template list --datacenter ca1


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  2. Create your feature branch git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Create a new Pull Request
  6. Specs and Code Style checks should pass before Code Review.


The project is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.