
Konvert is a Ruby command line gem that lets you convert between different currencies and perform arithmetic operations on them from the command line. Just set the currency rates and have fun..


install it as:

$ gem install konvert


1- After installing the gem, enter irb console and require konvert:

irb(main): require 'konvert'

2- Configure the currency rates with respect to a base currency (here EUR):

irb(main): Konvert::Money.conversion_rates('EUR', {
    'USD'     => 1.11,
    'Bitcoin' => 0.0047

3- You can perform the operations now. Examples: 1) Create a Money object

irb(main): five_euro = Konvert::Money.new(5,'EUR)

2) Convert to different currency

irb(main): five_euro.convert_to('USD') 

3) Add two Money objects. They can be of same or different currencies

irb(main): fifty_eur + twenty_dollars                # => 68.02 EUR
irb(main): fifty_eur - twenty_dollars                  # => 31.98 EUR

4) Divide or multiply a Money object with an integer

irb(main): fifty_eur / 2                         # => 25 EUR
irb(main): twenty_dollars * 3             # => 60 USD

5) Perform Comparisons (same currencies or in different currencies):

irb(main): twenty_dollars == Konvert::Money.new(20, 'USD')          # => true
irb(main): twenty_dollars == Konvert::Money.new(30, 'USD')          # => false
irb(main): twenty_dollars > Konvert::Money.new(5, 'USD')               # => true
irb(main): twenty_dollars < fifty_eur                                    # => true


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.