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RSpec extensions and shared examples for Krikri.

Shared Examples

Shared examples are included as linters for Krikri contracts. Use the shared examples within individual spec files by invoking them in place:

require 'krikri/spec/harvester'

describe MyHarvester do
  it_behaves_like 'a harvester'


Matchers for some common patterns within specs for Krikri apps are provided. You can include them in your RSpec enviornment with:

require 'krikri/spec

RSpec.configure do |conf|


When working on the Krikri gem, it is often useful to work directly against a local copy of the Krikri::Spec examples. To do this, you can add a local path to your Krikri Gemfile:

# Gemfile

gem 'krikri-spec', path: '../krikri-spec'

Or run against the develop branch on GitHub:

# Gemfile

gem 'krikri-spec', github: 'dpla/krikri-spec', branch: 'develop'

Contribution Guidelines

Please observe the following guidelines:

  • Write tests for your contributions.
  • Document methods you add using YARD annotations.
  • Follow the included style guidelines (i.e. run rubocop before committing).
  • Use well formed commit messages.
  • Copyright Digital Public Library of America, 2016
  • License: MIT