
Ruby Code Style Gem Version

LabelWeaver is a gem to help developing whitelabel applications of an existing code base.

It does so by automatically merging the base code into the whitelabel code, leading to only the changed files being part of a new repository or branch.


gem install label_weaver

Setting up a new whitelabel project

Developing a whitelabel project

Starting local development

label_weaver develop --start

This command will perform the following actions:

  1. Run any before_start hooks
  2. Clone or check out the base repository
  3. Copy all files from the base repository to the whitelabel project that do not already exist
  4. Merge configured files
  5. Run any after_start hooks

Please note that the gem will inform you about files with a newer version in the base repository. This could mean that you have to update them in your whitelabel project as well to ensure compatibility.

Stopping local development

label_weaver develop --stop

This command will perform the following actions:

  1. Run any before_start hooks
  2. Restore all files that were automatically created through merging
  3. Remove all files from the project that do not differ from the base project
  4. Run any after_start hooks

You should be left with only the changed files in your repository now.


CI Usage