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latest_migration is a Ruby on Rails gem that allows you to open your latest migration file in text editor. It saves the time of selecting, copying and opening the file in your editor.


  • Add latest_migration to your Gemfile:

    gem 'latest_migration', group: :development
  • Install with: bundle install


When installed, you have available two new Rake tasks:

rake latest_migration:open
rake latest_migration:path

The first one opens the latest migration in the text editor.

By default it uses subl command to open the file. You can override this with initializer:

# config/initializers/latest_migration.rb
LatestMigration::Base.editor = :mine

You can use pass any command name you wish (like :mine, :nano etc.).

The second command just prints the filename of latest migration to standard output, like:



latest_migration is released under the MIT license:


Arkadiusz Fal

Copyright © 2015 Arkadiusz Fal