
Ruby wrapper for Leadersend transactional email sending service


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'leadersend'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install leadersend


LS can be used instead of Leadersend


# /config/initializers/leadersend.rb

Leadersend.configure do |config|
  config.username = "[email protected]"
  config.api_key  = "0953e545acdf063cb8a903a174gh721f" # place your key here
  config.api_url  = "http://api.leadersend.com/1.0/?output=json" # leave as is
  config.host     = "smtp.leadersend.com" # leave as is

Setup ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings with

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
  :address        => Leadersend.config.host,
  :port           => '587',
  :authentication => :plain,
  :user_name      => Leadersend.config.username,
  :password       => Leadersend.config.api_key,
  :domain         => 'example-domain.com'

Send Email

Instantiate a Leadersend::Mail object with given parameters

Version with template_path and locals
mailer = Leadersend::Mail.new to: self.email, from: from, fromname: fromname, subject: subject, template_path: template_path, locals: locals, title: title
Version with template (raw html)
mailer = Leadersend::Mail.new to: self.email, from: from, fromname: fromname, subject: subject, template: template, title: title

Parameter examples and explanations:

to: "[email protected]"
from: "[email protected]"
fromname: "Bob"
subject: "Friday party!"
template_path: "delivery/partials/party_markup"
title: "It is friday!"
locals: {variable: value, another_variable: different_value} # These will be made available in the template

Call the #send method on the instantiated object to send an email. This method returns a hash with response

sent_mail_hash = mailer.send

Log the sending

Result hash content and explanations:

  title: @title,
  body: @template, # returns the actual markup generated
  status: status, # very useful, returns "sent" on success and "error" on fail
  subject: @subject,
  to_address: @to,
  response: result.inspect # a verbose repeat of what you already knew, for example
  :response=>"[{\"email\"=>\"[email protected]\", \"status\"=>\"sent\", \"id\"=>\"ecf0ea8f33df690a02c83ccc86x678be\"}]"

Use this information to populate a logging object like SentMail