
It's the end of financial year, and now that I'm accounting with NZD,USD,JPY,BTC I've spent some time to automate the pricedb process. Enjoy :) PR's welcome.


Tool that uses Yahoo finance to intelligently generate a ledger price database based on your current ledger commodities and time period.

Ensure that you have set the LEDGER and LEDGER_PRICE_DB environment variables before proceeding. Alternatively, you can make the same addition to your .ledgerrc, so long as running ledger vanilla knows where to get the journal and pricedb.

Environment Variables

  • LEDGER_BASE_CURRENCY: Defaults to USD, change this to your reporting currency.
  • LEDGER_PRICE_DATE_FORMAT: The date format of the outputted pricedb. Defaults to %Y/%m/%d.


gem install ledger_get_prices
getprices # This will WRITE to your LEDGER_PRICE_DB file.