A light wrapper around RForce to make working with Salesforce a little easier.
Levene allows you to easily create models that map to their Salesforce API counterpart:
class Contact < Levene::Models::Base
Levene depends on a few environment variables being defined:
SALESFORCE_DEV_USER: The Salesforce account you're using
SALESFORCE_DEV_PASS: Your Salesforce password + security token
(If you don't have a Salesforce dev account or an account with API access, you'll have to take care of that first.)
Creating a subclass of Levene::Models::Base will cause the fields of the relevant Salesforce object to be looked up, and will create accessors and ActiveModel validations based on the field definititions.
contact = Contact.new
contact.valid? #=> false
contact.errors. #=> ["Last name can't be blank"]
contact.first_name = "Ricky"
contact.last_name = "Roma"
contact.description = "The guy is a closer."
contact.save #=> true
contact.id #=> "00AA000006636drIAA"
This is not a replacement for the ActiveRecord connection adapter for Salesforce. Levene is mostly for people who need to push data up to Salesforce in the background. It is not thread-safe.